Work expected to strengthen the viability of Stirling Studios has been conditionally approved.
Stirling Council’s planners have granted the authority’s application to extend the height of the roof of one bay within an industrial building at the former Ministry of Defence depot at Meadowforth Road at Forthside.
When the studios were first announced, council bosses said industry figures were hugely positive about the venture, and suggested it could only be further improved by the heightening of the roof to widen the scope of any built sets.
The application also includes the installation of five new substations/transformer units.
In their decision, the planners said: “The site is Building 135, within the former MoD site, Meadowforth Road, Stirling, is a former regional logistics warehouse located in the Forthside area of Stirling. The area is subject to the Forthside Masterplan, approved in October 2024.
“The masterplan earmarks the site on which this proposal sits for employment allocation – specifically, the reuse of existing MoD buildings for use as multi-functional business, enterprise and workshop space.
“The site in question was the main MoD depot on site – a large and deep-shed warehouse, with flat roofs and various loading docks. The lower half of the building is constructed of a breezeblock, while the upper half is corrugated metal work. Large bay-doors sit on the north and south elevations of the main block.
“The proposal will allow for the former logistics depot to be a viable option for the re-use of the building.
“The proposals to extend the roof will alter the existing and established roof line of the area.
“The resulting building will be higher, and will have an increased visual impact from a distance.
“Despite this, the increase of approximately four metres on a building currently measuring approximately nine metres in height is not considered to have a detrimental impact on the surrounding area’s site planning or place design.
“New residential units are planned as part of the masterplan, and there are existing dwellings on the southern boundary of the former MoD site. These dwellings, existing and proposed, are not considered to be sited close enough to the site to be impacted by overshadowing from the increased height.
“The new transformers are sited on the north side of the building.
“The building will act as a natural sound barrier between them and the nearby residential dwellings, limiting impact on amenity.
“The increased height of approximately four metres is not considered to impact on the character, setting or integrity of the surrounding historic sites, including views to and from Stirling Castle and the Wallace Monument.”
The base – also known as Forthside Barracks – was built as an ordnance depot in 1899 and was purchased by Stirling Council for £5m in March 2024.
The council will appoint an operator to run the studios and the project is hoping to attract both UK and global productions and screen stars.