Foam Dart Thunder are returning to East Kilbride shopping centre in the new year for another action-packed Battle Royale Fortnite event.
Scenes from the ever-popular Fortnite computer game will be brought to life at Centre West mall on Saturday, February 8, where players will be able to search for chests, collect v-bucks and even build cover.
This thrilling event is suitable for everyone aged six and over and mums and dads are encouraged to join in the fun.

Commenting on the event, David Nimmo from Foam Dart Thunder, said: “Foam Dart Thunder are coming back to EK, East Kilbride Centre West on Saturday, February 8.
“Tickets are on sale now for Battle Royale 12!
“Bringing Fortnite off the screen and into the mall for an action-packed event playing games inspired by the epic computer game.
“If you love Fortnite and Nerf you are in for a treat!”

Players must bring their own blasters as these are not provided and make sure you write your name on all blasters and attachments.
There will be 30,000 regular Elite darts and also Rival rounds for players to use so do not bring any to the event.
Nerf MEGAs are welcome but bring your own ammo and ensure they are marked up as yours.
Safety goggles must be worn by all players and will be on sale on the night for £5 each.
The event runs from 8pm till 10pm. Check-in, next to the glass doors on the ground floor of the entrance to Centre West, will open at 6.45pm with a safety briefing at 7.45pm sharp.
Anyone under 14 must have an adult on site and available, either playing or spectating.
Book online here.
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