Girvan Early Years Centre Day Care of Children has been handed a positive report card after an unannounced inspection on the service it provides.
The centre, in Wesley Road, was graded ‘very good’ across four quality indicators.
The gradings come from the Care Inspectorate who made an unannounced visit to the centre in October with the findings now published.
Among the key messages, children experienced “caring, nurturing and loving interactions” and they were “well-supported” in their learning and had fun.
Planning was “responsive” to children’s interests, targets and stages of development, while self-evaluation and quality assurance processes led to “high quality care and support.”
And staff were “skilled” in supporting children, and children who required additional support and they “worked well” as a team.
Girvan Early Years Centre, based in Girvan Primary School, is registered to provide a care service to a maximum of 120 children per session. The service is provided by South Ayrshire Council.
An extract from the Care Inspectorate report said: “We found significant strengths in aspects of the care provided and how these supported positive outcomes for children. Children experienced caring, nurturing and loving interactions. Friendly and familiar staff welcomed the children, contributing to building positive attachments.
“Children demonstrated their affection by sitting near to a known adult and spontaneously cuddling staff who responded with calm smiles and good eye contact.”
In addition, children’s health, wellbeing and learning needs were “promoted” through the use of learning journals and personal plans.
And children’s personal information was “detailed” and contained “relevant information” to help meet their health, wellbeing and care needs.
The report continues: “Parents were included in this process and regular telephone calls, emails and meetings ensured children’s information remained up-to-date. One parent told us: “The staff members always ask for parents’ input which is great”. As a result, staff knew the children well and provided them with the individual care they needed.”
In the quality indicators relating to care, play and learning, setting, leadership and staff team, these were all graded ‘very good’ by inspectors.
The report adds: “Children were cared for in a bright, clean, comfortable and welcoming environment. The large indoor playrooms offered plenty of space to meet children’s needs. The setting made good use of the indoor environments which were furnished to a high standard.”
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