Scotland is well and truly in the grip of winter as it endures freezing temperatures and more forecast in the days ahead.
And that means we are waking up to icy windscreens which is not idea as the morning commute commences for thousands of people next week. Defrosting the car is a time constraint that no one wants to have to deal with in the morning when the rush is on to get to work.
While it might be tempting to start your journey before the windscreen is properly clear, that can land you in trouble with the police and you can be hit with a hefty fine.
But experts have shared the best way to clear your windscreen with the click of a button and all from the comfort of your car. And although i’t’s not a new reveal, it seems many drivers don’t know about it. The tip was shared on a social media account that aims to help new drivers navigate their vehicles and the roads.
According to Driving Test Success, the UK’s leading provider of theory test revision materials, you can quickly clear ice by using your car’s windscreen fan – this heats the glass from the inside to melt interior frost.

In the clip shared on its TikTok account @drivingtestsuccess, the company explained: “Frozen windscreen? Put the temperature on high.
“Put the front windscreen fan on max. The ice will start to melt from the heat. Wipe away excess water and return the fan to normal.”
While the tip might seem obvious to some seasoned drivers, several social media users couldn’t believe they’d never seen the hack before, the Mirror reports. One commenter said: “Wow, magic! The ice is gone.”
Another praised the account for all their help, as they wrote: “I’ve learned so much thanks to your app!” But others were less impressed, as one TikTok user shunned the idea, stating: “Wastes more fuel. Just get [out] and scrape it off you lazy so and so”.
Driving Test Success is far from the first account to point out the easy de-icing trick, as another video online from Clear View Driving said road users should use their demister before they start driving. They said: “Now don’t use your windscreen wipers or washers as that won’t help. Turn on your front and rear demister.
“The rear demister also heats up your side mirrors in most new cars. But if the mirrors are not clear, make sure to clear them before you start driving. Then, once it’s done you can use your wipers.”