January is a time when lots of people decide to get in shape.
Anyone thinking about slimming down this New Year will find incredible inspiration in a Lanark woman who lost 5st 6lbs in 2024.
When Leeanne McStay made a resolution to lose weight at the beginning of 2024 little did she know how successful she would be. Now, thanks to the support of her local Slimming World group in Lanark, Leeanne just feels fantastic.
Leeanne had struggled with her weight for some time and found that her increasing dress size was making her feel down – she tried to lose weight before but struggled as she’d be left feeling hungry and deprived.
In fact she’d often end up regaining the weight she lost – and more – after she gave up. At her heaviest weight Leanne felt it effected her self confidence and stuggled with daily tasks.
Leeanne said: “I was really nervous about joining the group that first time, I figured there would be lots of new people joining the group and hoped I’d be able to blend into the background and not have to speak to anyone.
“Now I find it funny that I felt this way because I got such a warm welcome from my consultant Lian and the other members and I soon realised there was nothing to be worried about.
“I honestly haven’t looked back since that day. I look forward to going to group every week now, it’s my ‘me’ time and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
She couldn’t believe it when Lian McCulloch, her consultant, explained how Slimming World’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan worked and she discovered that she could eat lots of everyday foods without weighing and measuring, as well as still enjoying her favourite treats in moderation.
Leeanne added: “I was really dubious it would work for me at first and in my first week I thought ‘there was no way I’m going to lose weight eating all this’ as I hadn’t felt hungry or like I’d missed out at all, but and now I’m 5st 6lb lighter and I am loving shopping for new clothes as I have changed so much.”
Changing her eating habits and become more active hasn’t only transformed Leanne on the outside, she feels like a new woman on the inside too.
She added: “I feel happier, healthier and have loads more confidence. I can’t believe the difference in me in just 12 months – and neither can my family and friends.

“I would recommend Slimming World to anyone who’s thinking about trying to lose weight this New Year, after all, if I can do it anyone can!”
Lian, who runs the Lanark Slimming World group that Leeanne attends, added: “Leeanne is proof that if you make small, manageable changes the way you cook and eat and get the right support it is possible to make your New Year’s resolutions a reality.
“It makes me feel sad to think that so many people will embark on unhealthy, restrictive plans this January because I know that they won’t be able to keep them up for longer than a few days or weeks, so they’ll soon be right back where they started and feeling like a failure when actually it’s the programme they’ve chosen that’s failed them.
“I hope Leeanne inspires people in Lanarkshire to choose Slimming World this New Year, and everyone’s guaranteed a warm welcome at any group.”
To join the Lanark Slimming World group simply pop along or call Lian on 07748 845684. The club meets every Tuesday at 9.30am, 11am, 5.30pm or 7pm and Saturdays at 8.30am in the St Mary’s Clubrooms, Lanark.
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