Miles Jupp opened up about his benign brain tumour diagnosis on Tuesday’s episode of Lorraine.
The actor, 45, who has starred in the likes of Balamory and The Thick Of It as well as hit movies Harry Potter and Napoleon, was filming ITV drama Trigger Point in August 2021 when he had a seizure. It led to the star being diagnosed with a benign brain tumour.
Appearing on Tuesday’s Lorraine, the ITV chat show aired a clip of him on Trigger Point to which Miles admitted: “That’s very strange, watching that clip there of Trigger Point.
“That is about an hour, an hour and a half probably, before the seizure. It’s quite strange, I look quite blinky in it!

“But also I can remember that I decided that my character would have his lines written on an index card in front of him, maybe I was just peering down, he was like a radio presenter so you’d have the script wouldn’t you? It’s perfectly professional behaviour!
“That’s what I was doing, when this happened, 2021, I’d been dropped off at the unit base, where the trailers are, and suddenly I was really unwell out of nowhere.”
Host Lorraine Kelly then asked whether he’d had any symptoms to which he recalled: “I had a little flashing in my left eye when I was in the car, my arm felt a bit weird but I knew instantly. I have no medical background but I thought: ‘I definitely need a doctor, this doesn’t feel right!’
“I guess I got quite panicky, I mean, it’s terrifying and then someone was going: ‘You look really dizzy!’ The floor was coming towards me and then I came round and people were holding me in the recovery position, thankfully!

“That’s the danger, I could have been in a locked room, I could have been driving, I just happened to be in full view of other people!”
Miles added following his health scare: “You think about how lucky you are and also think about how unlucky others are. It changes your perspective!”
The actor added how he only told people about his diagnosis once he was better, opting to share the news face-to-face instead of over text.
Miles is currently touring with his comedy show, On I Bang, inspired by his health scare, and due to popular demand he has extended the line-up dates.
Lorraine continues on weekdays at 9am on both ITV and ITV X.