If you’re looking for a mind-sharpening activity with the added perk of delaying neurodegenerative diseases, grabbing a pack of cards might just be a good bet. The New England Journal of Medicine has revealed the potential long-term benefits of regular card play to stave off conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, asserting that a game like Solitaire can not only help keep these illnesses at bay but also assist those already diagnosed or exhibiting symptoms.
According to gaming aficionado and Online Solitaire founder Holger Sindbæk, Solitaire could help by allowing people to engage at their own pace. He highlighted: “It can give the brain a gentle but very thorough workout. Deduction, facial and object recognition, and short-term memory are all positively affected by playing the game. ”
Sindbæk elaborated: “Doing these things can put you in an almost meditative or ‘Alpha’ state that excludes all awareness of what’s going on around you, and in your life. That tight cognitive focus zaps stress like sleep, reading, or doing creative things can.”
Card games can reportedly boost cognitive function, memory, and even enhance decision-making and problem-solving abilities. And there could be a feel-good dopamine factor attached playing.
Sindbæk praised solitaire, saying: “It gives you some down time away from others, too, and we all need to switch off from the world to remain in good shape mentally.” In addition to solitaire, card games like Bridge, Uno, and Go Fish are often suggested for individuals with dementia as they work out the brain’s memory and problem-solving areas.
For those looking to prevent dementia from the get-go, activities such as reading, playing musical instruments, and dancing might be the best options. The New England Journal of Medicine study marked these alongside card games as top leisure pursuits that could help lower the risk of developing the condition.