Holidays are a thrilling experience, with the flight often being the starting point of the adventure. However, passengers are being advised to refrain from committing a social faux pas that could be perceived as irritating or even “rude” by the pilot.
Travel expert at dealchecker, Rosie Panter, has provided insight on this mistake to help Britons steer clear of peeving fellow travellers and crew. She stated: “A round of applause. Two words. No and no. If you have had a particularly rocky flight and difficult landing, maybe a slight clap, or thanks to the pilot as you leave, but no regular flight to the Med should result in clapping. Let’s leave that in the past.”
Although it’s not incredibly widespread, applauding post-flight has been more frequent lately, reports the Express.

To add to this perspective, etiquette authority Jo Bryant shared her viewpoint, suggesting such actions might be taken as disdain for pilots. She said: “Applause is not necessary after a landing and is rude to the pilots.
“If the landing is good, clapping implies surprise at the competence. If the landing is bad, applause would come off as mocking sarcasm.”
Rosie also warned against the urge to stand up as soon as the plane lands, detailing: “We’ve all done it when in a hurry but standing as soon as the plane touches the tarmac will not speed up your exit time in the slightest.
“The crew need time to safely prepare for disembarking and opening the doors.
“And even then, those closest to the doors will get to leave first, so save yourself from looking like a melon and wait your turn.”
For passengers with tight connections, she recommends conversing with the cabin crew while airborne; they can usually help make provisions for a speedier exit. Another tip is booking a seat nearer the front, which may assist in hastening the disembarkation for those keen on being first off the plane.