SAN DIEGO (Gray News) – Four members of a fraternity at San Diego State University are facing criminal charges for allegedly lighting a pledge on fire during a “skit” at a house party.
The San Diego County District Attorney announced charges Monday against the following four members, including the burn victim himself:
- Phi Kappa Psi President Caden Cooper, 22
- Pledge Board member Lucas Cowling, 20
- Pledge Christopher Serrano, 20
- Pledge Lars Larsen, 19 (burn victim)
The DA said on Feb. 17, 2024, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity planned a party at the fraternity house “in spite of being on probation by the university.”

During the party, Cowling, Serrano, and Larsen allegedly planned a “skit” in which Serrano would set Larsen on fire.
The underage students allegedly consumed alcohol before performing the skit.
Larsen was set on fire and sustained third-degree burns to 16% of his body, mainly his legs, and spent weeks in the hospital as a result.
After the party, the DA said that Larsen, Cooper and Cowling allegedly “made a concerted effort to thwart” the investigation by lying to law enforcement, deleting evidence on social media, and instructing other fraternity members to delete evidence and keep quiet about what happened.
The DA said all four young men are charged with at least one felony, including recklessly causing a fire with great bodily injury, conspiracy to commit an act injurious to the public, and violating the social host ordinance.
If convicted of all the charges, the defendants face a sentencing range of probation to more than seven years in prison.
All four young men were arraigned Monday and pleaded not guilty.
They were all released on the conditions that they do not participate in any fraternity parties, do not participate in any recruitment events for the fraternity, and that they obey all laws.
Further court dates have been set for March 18 and April 16.
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