A host of organisations have received major grant support from South Lanarkshire Council.

The 1st Larkhall Girls’ Brigade and Dalserf Village Garden Club, both in Larkhall, and Hamilton Bowling Club all applied to South Lanarkshire Council for a funding boost.

A motion to the Hamilton Area Committee by Cllr Ross Clark to donate the full money requested by those groups was defeated by a proposal to give out the full recommended amount.

Councillors argued it would be unfair if groups all received their requested amount at the end of the year and not always at other times.

Girls’ Brigade organisers received £350 for equipment, administration, publicity costs, outing and entrance fees.

The gardening club secured £210 towards an environmental project which has identified community benefits, helping people live the healthiest lives possible.

The bowling club’s winter section secured £300 to help fund an outing with identified community benefits, helping people live the healthiest lives possible.

In other allocations, Larkhall OAP Association Town Branch received £300 for an outing.

REACH Lanarkshire Autism SCIO, Hamilton, secured £800 for equipment, an outing and entrance fees.

Cadzow Community Corps, Hamilton, received £625 for an equipment and materials.

Trinity Church Guild, Larkhall, received £400 for an outing.

Hamilton Stitchers received £986 for equipment.

National Autistic Society (NAS) South Lanarkshire, Hamilton, received £210 for materials and Hamilton YFC received £360 for start-up costs and equipment

The following groups all received £1000 under the Warm Welcome Initiative:

Hamilton Old Parish Church

The Machan Trust, Larkhall

St Andrew’s Parish Church, Blantyre

Meikle Earnock Community Council

Supporting Our Community, Hamilton

And Hamilton Baptist Church received £500 under the Warm Welcome Initiative.

The purpose of the community grants scheme is to fund activities and projects which offer community benefit, and which bring those communities together to enjoy educational, recreational, leisure and other activities, or to improve the local environment.

Support can be provided for everything from outings and entrance fees to admin and start-up costs and special events. Applications are invited throughout the year and awards recommended for approval at each meeting of the relevant area committee.

More information on the criteria, activities that attract funding, and the application process are available on the council website.

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