POCAHONTAS, VA. – Residents of Pocahontas, Virginia are moving through their fourth day without power on Wednesday.
“It’s 40 degrees in my apartment, and I’ve been going out two or three times a day for a couple of hours, running the heat in the car to stay warm and everything,” said Robin Demarr, a resident of the Indian Princess apartments.
Demarr tells us that her apartment building is home to several elderly people, including her own aunt, whom she has been trying to look after.
While warming stations are available in the county, not everyone can make it there.
Demarr says, “There’s a lot of people that can’t get down the stairwells because they’re disabled. I have been trying to help some of them, and we don’t have a generator here or anything either. I kind of feel guilty because if I can go and nobody else can that really needs to go, it makes me feel bad.”
Appalachian Power says the town’s electricity should be restored by Wednesday evening.
In the meantime, area residents are holding out hope.
Demarr says, “It was out when Helene came for five days. I have lived here for nine years and seen a lot. This is way worse than Helene was. You could deal with Helene. It was the summertime, and it was really warm and everything.”
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