The Loose Women panel were utterly charmed in Friday’s episode as Grace ‘GK’ Barry introduced the newest addition to her family. Kickstarting the segment, ITV’s Kaye Adams announced that Grace had gone to fetch a fresh face for the Loose family.
Fresh from her adventure on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, Grace presented her delightful puppy on the show, who goes by the name Noodle. As they entered the stage, the audience couldn’t hold back their gasps and sounds of admiration.
Yet, the ITV star admitted she hadn’t informed her parents about adopting a dog until after she’d made the commitment.
Grace confessed: “I’m not going to lie, the first week I didn’t tell my parents!”

She elaborated: “I thought, I don’t know how they’re going to react to me getting a dog. They’ve always been like, ‘You’ve got such a busy job, can you even look after yourself?’ which is a fair point!”
Grace clarified that she diligently researched before deciding to bring home the furry friend. She continued: “They (her parents) absolutely love him! He comes to all my shoots with me. He’s a bit of a diva.”
The Loose Women stars gushed over how adorable Grace’s new canine companion was, while Kaye referred to Noodle as gorgeous, especially in his bow tie, reports the Liverpool Echo.

Discussing her folks initial reaction, Grace added cheekily: “I had to just show them him and then they were like, ‘No we really love him'”.
Grace shared with the panel that she had been considering getting a dog for some time and came across the Asian Toy Poodle breed while in Australia.
She remarked: “So, I done my research on them. They don’t molt, they’re just really smart so I thought I must have a smart dog!”

Reflecting on Grace’s previous reluctance to inform her parents about acquiring Noodle, Kaye asked if she still felt intimidated by them. Grace immediately admitted that she did.
The 25-year-old explained: “At this age, you can still be told off by your parents! Even though I know they’d be fine with it. I remember when I first got my tattoo, I hid it for a month because I knew they didn’t love tattoos.”
Loose Women continues weekdays on ITV from 12:30pm