Philippe Clement reckons he has 200 per cent backing from the Rangers board. Unfortunately for the Ibrox boss, after another dismal day on the road in Dundee, the Hotline was 100 per cent behind his SACKING.
The pressure has cranked up to boiling point on the Belgian after falling 15 points behind Celtic and new Gers CEO Patrick Stewart is already facing the ultimate decision. Robert Livingstone, Palm Beach, blasted: “To say this is Rangers’ worst manager wouldn’t be an understatement. More trash at Dens as the Clement circus rolls on with no resolution in sight. Clement said recently that he’s not stupid, well surely even he must know he’s responsible as manager for the results on the field, with this once great club in its death throws. Had Dave King been in charge he would have been gone. The useless board are just as responsible.”
Jamie Thompson, Yoker, said; “How did Rangers get to this stage? A complete shambles at top and complete shambles of a team and on the pitch. The new chairman and board needs to either sort or sell to any new investors. The Rangers supporters are sick of the sub standard players and football. The league was over in November, utterly shameful.”
Eddie Easson, Ballingry, said: “Philippe Clement thinks he has 200 per cent backing of the board. Believe me he hasn’t. The fans are baying for his blood and his bosses know this. These fans are the club’s lifeblood. The board will already be trying to get a way out of the ludicrous contract the crazy gang gave him.” Paddy Gowans emailed: “If Clement thinks the Rangers board is 200 per cent behind him he’s living in Toy Town with Noddy and his friends.”
Denis Bruce, Bishopbriggs, said; “It now looks like Clement has hit the buffers on the road. He must look like a dead man walking to the Rangers’ fans. Patrick Stewart must now stand up and be counted. Take the dismissal decision.” And Alex Young, Broxburn, added: “It’s stick or twist for Rangers. Do they sack Clement now or let him waste money in this transfer window then sack him? Either way, he’s gone.”

Even some Celtic fans were worried about the impact of Rangers’ slide. Stephen Mulhern, Dumbarton, said: “I’m not surprised by Clement’s comment that the Rangers board are 200 per cent behind him – because the fact is he knows they don’t have the finances to pay him off. It’s astonishing to think a manager of the calibre of Gio van Bronckhorst was sacked after taking them to a Euro final. I fear my own club Celtic will now find it hard to attract top quality players to Scotland due to the lack of competition up here.”
But Drew Ferguson, Oban, said: “It’s very clear that Rangers are a ‘project club’ and honesty needs to come from CEO Patrick Stewart stating the fact that the club has no finance to compete with Celtic and the gap will grow until the development players like Igamane are sold for profit.”
The Dens draw was a fourth away game without a win in succession. But it could have been worse with Dundee having two strong penalty shouts waved away. Steve McSherry, Uddingston, said: “How much help do Rangers need from VAR? Dundee were denied two stone wall penalties by VAR. Dundee should demand an explanation from the SPFL as to why this has happened.”
And Richard Wharton, Carlisle, added: “I wonder what the great penalty expert Mr Clement will have to say about the one Dundee should have had? Probably didn’t see it.”
Kenny Wilson, Moffat, said: “After all the bragging from Rangers fans about beating Celtic with four players missing they get a lucky draw against Dundee who had 10 players out! If only Carlsberg did comedy shows it would probably be the best show in the world.”
There was one call relating to other matters thankfully. Kilmarnock winger Danny Armstrong is running down his contract with Hearts among the clubs interested in a summer signing. And Tom Paterson, Falkirk, said: “Danny Armstrong has not been doing it for Killie on the park this season at all. He’s playing out his contract to leave for nothing in the summer. Now is the time to circulate that he is available for a cut price £150,000 and see what the interest is. He’ll do nothing for us in his last few months as he doesn’t want to get injured so just get rid , at least we’ll get money in we can use.”