A reckless fly tipper has been clocked on camera dumping a van load of rubbish on a Scots housing scheme.
Mum Kate Gos says her block of flats bin area has been plagued with mounds of rubbish dumped by trades people and neighbouring residents. Kate who lives West Pilton Avenue, Edinburgh has also described fortnightly scenes of residents’ bins being set alight and parking spaces being filled by disposed items.
In images and video seen by our sister title Edinburgh Live, a man can be seen allegedly dumping materials at the bin area. Other pictures show flames leaping from the bin.
“As our bins are the only communal bins in the area, not wheelie bins like other residents around us. Everyone from the area comes to dispose of their rubbish in our bins, it is often household bulky items, and they not only dump it at the bins but they often leave it in our parking spaces.

“It is absolutely appalling and disgusting. Literally the same day the bins are emptied there are multiple cars pulling up in the evening and emptying whole car boots into our bins.
“I have reported this issue to the council but all they did was to hang a few stickers up. The area is never clean and it really agitates me as we not only pay council tax but also a cleaning fee is included in our factoring fee for the block.
“There are also a lot of children staying here and having all of this at the back of the house is not a healthy environment to raise them in. At least twice a month our bins are also set on fire which the council is aware of.
“I’ve spoken to the fire service when they are called out and they are becoming fed up with this happening. I would happily swap the communal bins for wheelie bins and keep those in our gardens to stop people from treating this area as a dumping place.”
Edinburgh Council has been approached for comment.
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