BLUEFIELD, Va. -Before his passing, Dr. Joe Dales was a regular sight on the sidelines of many G-Men games, spending the last decade assisting student athletes. Graham High School’s head football coach, Tony Palmer, recalls Dr. Dales joining the medical staff back in 2015, becoming a good friend of his and helping students during games, whether they needed medical attention or encouragement.

“We’ve had kids to get injured, and he helped them get through treatment to become better, to continue to play the sports that they love. Just, you know, or even talking to kids. I mean, he was someone who was willing to just help however he could,” says Palmer.

Joanne Young, the principal of Graham High School, says Dr. Dales was a positive influence on the students here and a good example of what it means to be a good person.

“Any football game, he was on the sidelines. He was helping, he was encouraging, he was sometimes just making sure people were okay. I mean, he was just always checking on everybody. He was very enthusiastic about our programs, whether it be football, basketball, soccer, he’s just always been there, always positive, always giving,” says Young.

Young adds that the Graham High School Students looked up to Dales and will be missed. However, Palmer says his legacy extends beyond the high school’s walls, even extending across state line, adding that Bluefield, West Virginia’s Police Department have also expressed sadness over the loss.

“Joe was definitely a giver. He was someone who would lend a hand however he could to help people. This is not something that is a loss for just Graham High School as a whole; it is a loss for the community,” says Palmer.

Palmer encourages the community to come together and embrace the family of Doctor Joe Dales as they go through this difficult time.

For those wanting to honor the legacy of Dr. Joe Dales, in lieu of flowers, his family has created the “Dr. Joe Dales Service Scholarship” that people can donate to. You can make checks out to “Community Foundation of the Virginias, PO Box 4127 Bluefield, WV 24701″ and indicate that this is in the memory of Joe Dales in the memo line.

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