The iconic BBC show Eldorado is returning to screens after being axed 32 years ago.
The show originally launched in 1992, but was cancelled a year later due to low viewership – after nearly 160 episodes aired on BBC One.
The series focused on a wealthy British expatriates living in the fictional town of Los Barcos, Costa Eldorado, in Spain. Eldorado was meant to entice viewers with its sunny setting – taking away from the gloominess of the soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street.
The show ended with one of the main characters, Marcus Tandy, escaping after another character attempted to murder him by blowing up his car.
Luckily the fan-favourite did not suffer the blow, and sailed off into the distance on a boat with his girlfriend.
The show was regarded as an ‘flop’ for the BBC as it sank large amounts of money into the creation and promotion, only for it to be a disaster.
Now it’s back for new fans to discover and watch – but it will not be new episodes that will be hit screens.
Eldorado is set to begin airing as reruns on UKTV’s channel U&Drama from Monday, January 27 – with all 156 episodes playing out. The platform will be airing two episodes of the show each weekday.
Reruns of the series were shown on screens in the late 90s and early 2000s on UK Gold. A number of episodes were also added to streaming site BritBox back in 2021.
Reruns are gaining popularity again, becoming a comfort for TV fans who are hoping to bring back that nostalgic feeling.
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The original cast included multiple iconic soap stars we still see today, from Jesse Birdsall who went on to star on Hollyoaks, Polly Perkins who played Dot Cotton’s sister on Eastenders, Derek Martin, who later starred as Charlie Slater on EastEnders, and Julie Fernandez – who later played Brenda in the BBC comedy The Office.
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