Volunteers from a busy Burnside Scout group were honoured for their dedication and skills with the presentation of a range of prestigious awards.
Leaders and trustees at the 113th Glasgow group, who run the Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer sections based in the Scout hall at Crawfurd Road, were recognised as they gathered for a planning day and social event marking the start of the new year.
A trio of leaders – Allan Whiteford, Aileen Newton and Michelle MacKenzie – were presented with both the award of merit, marking sustained service, and the Wood badge marking completion of their formal leadership training.
Their merit award medals were presented for outstanding and “keen, conscientious, imaginative and dedicated service over a sustained period of at least 12 years”.
Well-earned Wood badges were also presented to Brian Gorman and Anne Small – with Anne also receiving a good service commendation.
She was one of four volunteers at 113th Glasgow to receive the Chief Scout’s commendation for good service, “voluntary stand-out service of at least five years”, alongside Steven Burns, Emma Jane Harkins and Joe Robertson.
The awards were presented at the special gathering by Marion Rankin, lead volunteer for Clyde Scout region.
She said: “It’s so inspiring to see a number of leaders be recognised for their voluntary service over a number of years, and it’s apparent how strong and well-respected the volunteers at the 113th are by their young members, their families and the local community.”

Group Scout leader Graeme Hamilton said: “Everyone who contributes to developing young people here at the 113th, from four-year-old Squirrel Scouts to 19-year-old Explorers, is amazing.
“Recognising some of our leaders with awards shows that we value the contribution everyone makes and allows us an opportunity to say thank you.”

The volunteers and young members are now getting set for a busy term including a family ceilidh on January 25, a sleepover for the four- and five-year-old Squirrels next month and a fundraising quiz night on March 15.
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