A consultation on a potential Galloway National Park has entered its final few weeks.

Nearly 1,000 people have attended more than 30 events and online sessions since the consultation got underway in early November.

NatureScot will be the reporter on the Scottish Government proposal, with more than 1,800 people having completed an online survey.

The process is now in its final month, with the consultation set to close on February 14.

After that, Scottish ministers will decide whether Galloway becomes Scotland’s third national park.

NatureScot’s head of people and places, Pete Rawcliffe said: “We’ve been listening to people from all walks of life and from all perspectives in this busy public consultation.

“We’ve worked hard to ensure that those living and working in the area have the opportunity to discuss the issues, consider the content of the proposal for a national park in Galloway, and decide whether they support it or not, or have alternatives they wish to suggest. We will convey all the views expressed during the consultation in our report to Scottish ministers this spring.

“With one month of the consultation left, there is still plenty of time to get involved, take the time to read the proposal, and have your voice heard.

“There is extensive information about Scotland’s national parks and this proposal on our website, with leaflet versions of the surveys available in accessible versions. Whatever views you hold on the proposal, we encourage everyone who has yet to do so to get informed and have their say.”

The Galloway National Park Association is fully behind the proposal, believing it would bring major investment and international attention to the region.

However, the No Galloway Park campaign has a string of concerns, including the potential for over tourism, rising house prices and whether existing infrastructure could coupe with more visitors.

Dumfries and Galloway Council has agreed to push the Scottish Government for a referendum on the matter, despite that being ruled out by Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon.

The consultation is available at https://newnationalparkgalloway.commonplace.is/

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