Trying to solve a riddle can be a fun, and sometimes frustrating, past time. Many of us feel a sense of accomplishment when we are able to crack the code and get to the correct answer. However, there is one riddle you may be happy not being able to solve.

A man who claims to have been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, has recently posted a video to social media saying that if you can solve this riddle then you may be more like him than you thought. ‘The Nameless Narcissist’ has built a huge following on TikTok, with 223.7K followers, where he speaks about how he goes through life with his disorder.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition where the person will experience exaggerated feelings of self-importance, reduced levels of empathy and have an excessive need to be admired. It is sometimes associated with – but distinct from – more serious psychological disorders, such as sociopathy and psychopathy.

The Mirror reports that in his video, the Nameless Narcissist claims that the riddle may reflect how someone with one of these conditions might think. So how would you answer this riddle?

What is the riddle?

The riddle is as follows: “A woman goes to her mother’s funeral and meets a man that she’s never met before. The two of them really hit it off, and the woman thinks he might be her soulmate.

“But once the funeral is over, she realises she never asked for the man’s name or phone number, and she has no idea who he is or how to contact him. Everyone she asks says they don’t know either.

“She’s upset that she is never going to see him again. Then, a week later, she murders her sister. So, the riddle is, why did she kill her sister?”

The answer

If you said that the woman killed her sister because she thought if the man attended her mother’s funeral, then there could be a chance that he would show up at her sister’s funeral too, then you would be correct.

The woman tried to replicate the situation to see if the man would show up to the same circumstances in which they had met previously, which is something someone with a self-centred view of the world and a lack of empathy would do.

The TikToker says that both him and his sister, who he claims is a diagnosed sociopath, got the answer straight away. He said: “For me, the answer was pretty obvious… Which was met with a very — how do I put it — very startled looks from my friends who asked it to me. And my sister answered it really slowly because she thought it was a trick question cause she found it so obvious.”

Whether the answer occurred to you or not, it should be noted that there is no evidence to prove that this riddle determines if you have a serious mental disorder. If anything, the Nameless Narcissist saw it as a fun little exercise to see how people would respond.

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