Not only is it stressful when dogs pull on their leads, it can also be bad for both owners and their pets.

If a dog is wearing a standard collar, pulling on the lead can put a lot of pressure on their neck, potentially causing injuries to the throat, trachea, or spine. As well as this, dogs that pull hard could choke themselves or struggle to breathe due to constrained airways. It could also lead to our furry friends feeling anxious or frustrated.

It’s just as risky for handlers too. A sudden or strong pull could throw you off balance, causing falls or injuries such as sprains, pulled muscles, or broken bones, especially if the dog is large or strong.

A pulling dog is harder to control, increasing the risk of dangerous situations like escaping, running into the road, or approaching unknown dogs or people. And what’s more, constant pulling can cause strain on your hands, arms, shoulders, or back over time.

Thankfully though, there are ways to prevent this problem from occurring.

Dog obedience instructor John Gotta, known as @gottatrain on TikTok, has nearly a million followers and regularly shares pet training tips on the platform. In one of his latest viral videos, he reveals an easy technique to prevent dogs from yanking their leads.

Demonstrating with a client’s chocolate Labrador, he advocates using a slip lead, a tool often used by professional trainers or in emergencies. These products combine collar and leads into one looped rope around the dog’s neck.

John added: “Throw away your leash and get a 36″ slip lead”. He then demonstrated his technique, explaining: “Use 180 turns to teach your dog how to turn the pressure off. Vary the number of steps between each turn. Use leash pressure (up) when your dog tests the boundary.”

If you follow this technique, the trainer says you won’t need to tire your dog out before going for a leisurely stroll. He added: “Get happy go lucky dogs walking nicely.”

The TikToker believes it’s important to keep things simple – and people loved his no-nonsense method. One said they’d successfully “taught her old dog new tricks” thanks to his video. Another said: “Wonderful training course.” And a third added: “Love this!”

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