The Green Brigade have demanded an improvement from Celtic supporters within the stands of the club in a bullish New Year message.
Brendan Rodgers’ side enjoy a convincing lead at the top of the Premiership and already have the Premier Sports Cup in the trophy cabinet – while they are closing in of the Champions League knockout stage before the clash with Young Boys this week. Before the showdown in Europe’s elite competition, the Hoops faces off with Kilmarnock in the Scottish Cup as they looked to defend their trophy.
But before the clash with Derek McInnes’ men, the Celtic ultras group have challenged their fellow supporters to raise the noise levels inside Parkhead stating that “the responsibility to back the team sits with us all” as they named four demands for those inside the ground. Fliers dished out to punters read: “As we begin a new year. Celtic maintains a dominant lead in the league while chasing another treble. However, this dominance on the pitch is sadly unmatched in the stands, prompting us to make this plea.
“In 2016, Celtic became the first club on these shores to reintroduce standing to top-flight football. The standing section brought a buzz to Celtic Park thanks to everyone contributing: revolutionising the atmosphere and advancing ultras culture across the country. As we approach 10 seasons of the standing section, its influence has unfortunately regressed. There are multiple reasons for this, some of which we take responsibility for as the ultras group leading the section.
“However, the responsibility to back the team sits with us all. As ultras, we introduced a different style of support in 2006-one we continue because we enjoy it and believe it’s effective. However, we appreciate that this style isn’t for everyone at all times therefore we are beyond the point of expecting 3.000 hands in the air, bouncing on the spot, swaying side to side or doing the huddle – despite all being common in the early years of the standing section.
“We are therefore simply asking four things of you: Sing, be vocal, back the team, and harass the opposition. Clap along to songs to create more noise. Stay until the team leaves the pitch to show your appreciation. Keep your phone in your pocket, enjoy and contribute to the moment.

“We don’t want to patronise anyone about the importance of backing the team nor eulogise the Celtic atmosphere. However, lazy, complacent, and spoiled attitudes have afflicted the support, even on European nights. While many factors contribute to this, the unavoidable truth is that we can do better for our team.
“In 2016, we introduced North Curve Celtic to bridge the gap between the Green Brigade and other fans in the standing section. This initiative has been successful, with visible achievements such as the murals in the concourse.
“However, NCC has also stagnated, hindered by restrictions and poor engagement from the club. Simply put, the board does not want a large, active fan movement but knows it cannot stop the evolution of fan culture.
“Celtic Park is on the brink of a transition. The stadium needs to be refreshed-facilities, tickets, and culture. A unified, goal-end standing section-The Celtic End-is the solution to many trustrations, and season ticket holders have backed the concept through the recent fan survey. While exciting, it may take years to achieve. Until then, we must focus on supporting the team from our current area.
“As always, we thank everyone for your continued support with what we do. including for our various social projects. Everything we do is made possible by your support. We wish you all a happy and healthy new year.”