GILES COUNTY, Va. (WDBJ) – Giles County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Terry Arbogast announced he will be retiring July 1, 2025. At a school board meeting Tuesday night, several people spoke out saying they feel the Giles County School Board is forcing Arbogast out.
“You’re service is appreciated but you got this one wrong, you got it wrong. With the recent news to say I was devastated was an understatement,” said long-time Giles County Public Schools employee Barbara Perkins.
It was an emotional evening in Giles County on Tuesday. A crowd of community members and school division employees came out to show their support for Dr. Terry Arbogast after rumors over the last week that the school board intended to fire him before he announced his retirement.
“It’s come to my attention that I’m at the point in my career that I need to take care of myself and I need to make a change. As I’ve shared the past 21 years as superintendent have been a great ride and a great run for me here in Giles County,” said Dr. Arbogast addressing the crowd at the meeting.
Arbogast said that he has always tried to do what was right and treat everyone with respect in his 28 years with Giles County Public Schools.
“I’ve tried to look out for the best interest of everybody, the students and staff members at each of our schools. I want all the staff members in Giles County Public Schools to know this, from the bottom of my heart I think you all are an outstanding group of individuals to work with on a daily basis,” said Arbogast. “Please know that you all are the best teachers out there and do not let anybody tell you different.”
Speakers praised Arbogast for his work as Superintendent saying he greatly improved the school division in many ways over the years.
“I want to thank Dr. Arbogast for treating teachers as highly educated professionals. I want to thank Dr. Arbogast for putting safety at the forefront. I want to thank Dr. Arbogast for leading with a calm dignity that maintains order and structure. I want to thank Dr. Arbogast for listening, his door is always open,” said Dianne Blanton, a Giles County teacher.
School employees said that Arbogast always advocated for staff and provided countless opportunities for students.
“There has never been a time that I have not seen him in our schools walking down the hall and asking each one of us that he sees how we’re doing. My question is how often are our board members in our schools getting to know the staff and the kids that attend,” said Tanis Campbell, a Special Education Teacher at Giles County High School.
Arbogast was given a three-year contract extension back in August and speakers criticized the board for its lack of transparency regarding the situation. They accused the board of collaborating behind closed doors to remove Arbogast.
“I am very concerned that the action taken by this board may be a function of individuals that consider Dr. Arbogast to be a barrier to personal or political agendas. It seems possible to me that there is a desire to make changes that he may not support,” said Gretchen Hagey, a Giles County Teacher.
Hagey and other speakers also speculated that the school board is using Arbogast as a scapegoat for problems facing the school division that are not his fault. Tanis Campbell said she feels the board is setting a bad example for the children of Giles County.
“What message does having some board members type of leadership send? It shows that using a position to get what you want and using status to manipulate those decisions is how our county makes decisions,” she said. “If there are concerns regarding performance or conduct of our leadership let them be brought forth in a manner that allows for discussion, growth, and resolution. Please do not go behind the very people that voted you in and make decisions that affect us all.”
Speakers at the meeting also accused the school board of creating division in the county.
“We are so much better when we work together but this board has continually fought against working with each other and has created an ever-increasing divide. The one consistent mediator has been our superintendent,” said Wright. “Giles County Public Schools are hurting, Giles County Public Schools are mourning. Dr. Arbogast thank you for being the one true character that has led us for the past 28 years.”
Board members declined to offer any specific insight into this change calling it a personnel matter. However, Eastern District Board Member Larry Williams did briefly address the crowd.
“There are some things going on in our school system that I stood up about, some of them we can’t discuss publicly. I’m not going to sling mud tonight, he’s done a lot of good things for our school system I’ve been there, but it’s time for a new superintendent, a new leader,” said Williams.
The school board voted 4-1 to accept Arbogast’s letter of retirement with member Phillip Pennington voting against accepting the letter and expressing his support for the superintendent.
“It’s time for our county to unite. There’s too much hatred between the two schools it’s time to unite. I’m going to say one more thing and then I’m done. The reason I didn’t ok your retirement is because there’s only one way to fix this, for the rest of the board to refuse it and let you serve out your contract,” said Pennington.
Because Arbogast is retiring and not being terminated, the school division will not have to buy out the remainder of his contract.
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