They could be experiencing a little turbulence at Dumfries Aviation Museum early next month.
Ghost hunters, led by a “professional medium” and armed with “£150k worth of sensors and cameras”, will scour every inch of the site in search of the spirit world.
And it could be a bumpy ride.
Ian Wood, from Kippford, who runs Sixth Sense Ghost Hunters, is convinced of paranormal activity among the vintage aircraft.
“There are tales of the museum being haunted,” says Ian.
“And, from my initial soundings, I’m convinced the aircraft, tower and buildings have stories to tell and spirits within them.”
There have been claims, in the recent past, of a “ghost aircraft” sweeping repeatedly past the museum’s control tower, a crucial part of RAF Dumfries in the second wold war.
Sound like a flight of fancy?
Not according to Ian, “I see dead people and animals pretty much every day,” says the medium, who moved back to Dumfries and Galloway last year from Lancashire.

“Some people would call it a gift, but it can be a curse sometimes.”
He claims he can be “standing talking to someone when, all of a sudden, I’ll hear a voice in my ear.
“It’ll be a dead relative asking me to deliver a message.
“People can be sceptical, but when I give them a detailed message, they change their minds.”
Next month, he and his team hope to contact the dead pilots who flew the museum’s aircrafts, many of which have been salvaged from crash sites.
Ian admits to being petrified every time he ventures into the spirit world, but says that’s a good thing: “If you are scared, you are cautious and respectful.
“You can’t just barge in.”
And he’s certain he’ll bump into something unearthly on the night. “I can just feel it when I’m at the museum,” says Ian. “There’s something out there.”
A maximum of 40 tickets will be sold for the event – at £30 per ticket – with half of the money going to the aviation museum and half to nominated charities.