Millions of people in the UK are missing out of getting a £10 voucher, and the chance to learn about their own potential health risks, as they are unaware of a current Government-funded scheme.
The UK’s largest health research programme – Our Future Health – is currently looking for five million people to participate in research which aims to try and help prevent and treat diseases earlier.
At the moment, over 2,150,000 people are taking part in the research, but many other people have been left unaware as they have not received an invitation letter from the NHS, who are working in partnership with the charity. To be eligible to take part you need to be aged 18 and over and also living in the UK.

One Future Health has said: “Discoveries made through Our Future Health could lead to new ways to predict, prevent and detect diseases earlier in life when they can be treated more easily, including diseases such as dementia, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.”
The Mirror reported that by participating in the research, you might be able to learn more about your risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease or diabetes. The Participant Information sheet explains: “As Our Future Health is a research programme, your information will not be used in the diagnosis or treatment of disease, and you will not automatically receive personal feedback about your samples, DNA, or other data.
“But in the future, we will get in touch to ask if you would like to receive personal feedback from your samples, DNA or other data.
“You might learn new information about your health or risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease from this feedback. We will always give you more information and the chance to ask questions before you make your decision, and you can say yes or no.”
If you are uncertain about joining, you have the option to withdraw at any time. For those who want to help with the research, you will be asked to read and sign a consent form, fill in a questionnaire about your lifestyle and health, and book an appointment to provide a blood sample.
Once these steps are complete, you will be offered a £10 voucher that can be spent in high-street stores or in the supermarket. Alternatively, you can also donate it to the Our Future Health charity. More information is available on Our Future Health’s website.
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