BLUEFIELD, W. Va. -While Martin Luther King Jr. Day might have passed, Bluefield State University’s annual MLK Day luncheon was held on Wednesday to give students the opportunity to join with the faculty in a celebration of the life and legacy of this important figure in Civil Rights history.

For the first time this year, the event was organized by Wesley Arthur, the head men and women’s track and field coach at the university, who is also a member of the same fraternity of Dr. King. Darrin Martin, the president of Bluefield State University said this year’s event was a success, with a great turnout and some students participating in the ceremony as well.

The event featured food, music, and speeches, with Bluefield State University’s chancellor, Reverend Garry Moore returning to give a voice to an iconic speech of Martin Luther King Junior. This year, he chose to read MLK’s final speech, “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop,” receiving high praise from those in attendance.

“…If you didn’t know about MLK, you know more about him now, and that’s what I’m thinking about honestly. It’s not just listening to his speech; you’re learning about history,” says Robert Scott III, a student at BSU.

“…Rev. Moore’s rendition allowed them to feel, feel the fire that was in Martin Luther King Jr.’s heart at that time…” says Martin.

“…It’s almost as if you could really believe that MLK was sitting in here, doing the speech in front of us, and he did such a great job, and I think, for the people that were here, it helped remind us of what his mission was in the first place,” says Arthur.

Those we spoke to encourage students to join them at the event next year and encourage them to help keep the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. alive by participating in the university’s upcoming Black History Month events. You can follow Bluefield State University on social media to find announcements about when and where those will be.

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