Our democracy will survive Trump because of us

Northport, L.I.: Re “First-time voters & the new president” (op-ed, Jan. 20): Younger people have told me that Kamala Harris’s defeat felt like 2016 squared. Her loss took me back to 1972, when I was first old enough to vote. I spent that November election night in Massachusetts at the reelection campaign headquarters of Father Robert Drinan, the first Jesuit priest ever to become a congressman, where I witnessed the whole country turn for Richard Nixon, all except the Bay State. Sen. George McGovern couldn’t even carry South Dakota, his home state.

But if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to never bet against American democracy because things can turn around fast. In the summer of 1974, in no small part thanks to Drinan, who served on the House Judiciary Committee, Nixon resigned from his second term in disgrace rather than drown in Watergate and be impeached.

Unfortunately, President Trump has no similar sense of honor or shame. He can lie all he wants because that’s surely what he does best, as his wives have learned the hard way. But he can’t turn back the hands of time.

American history has shown repeatedly that even when the odds look insurmountable, we the people find a way to come together for the greater good. Our republic, however imperfect, will prevail because that is what we owe all the patriots (and naïve idealists) who have come and gone before us. Spencer Rumsey

In his own world

Dayton, Ohio: In “Consequences for Trump” (editorial, Jan. 23), you say, “Trump needs to get back to reality.” One can not get back to a place where one has never been. Vic Presutti

With you on that

Astoria: Few people support Trump as much as I do, but I’m in agreement that the Jan. 6 yahoos should not have been pardoned — not for the reasons you specified, though. The left did the same thing for the summer 2020 BLM and Antifa terrorists, who wreaked far more destruction than their Jan. 6 counterparts, when liberal district attorneys refused to charge or dropped all charges against them. But the Jan. 6ers should have been left in prison because they demonstrated in real time and live on television every stereotype alleged about Trump supporters. They should have been taught a lesson. Bradley Morris

Not getting it

Merrick, L.I.: Anosognosia is the term for a person who is crazy but doesn’t know they’re crazy. Doing the same thing over and over again thinking you will get a different outcome is also crazy. Many readers of this paper are suffering from this, along with the entire Democratic Party. Trump won in a landslide in all swing states and the popular vote. What part of the majority of the American people not buying what you’re selling do you not understand; that more than 70% felt the country was moving in the wrong direction? Joe Biden proved he is the most corrupt president in U.S. history by pardoning his family back to 2014 — funny, just when Hunter got on the board of the Ukrainian gas company. Calling Trump supporters Nazis and Hitler lost you the election, yet you and your media are doubling down. Until you return to reality, you don’t matter. Donald Ziminski

Real harm

Bayonne: Trump’s blanket pardon of all the Jan. 6 “tourists” lawfully convicted of crimes is an insult to the five policemen who died after defending Congress. It is simply his latest attempt to whitewash the events of that day and his role in them. It is equally shameful that there are many members of the Republican Party who refuse to condemn this. Of course, some have tried to connect Trump’s actions to Biden’s last-minute pardons, which included career professionals from the military, legislative and medical fields. Those pardons were not motivated to conceal any acts or crimes. They represent protection from actions the current president has publicly, on record, said he would pursue. Last time I looked, none of these citizens are responsible for the death of any law enforcement officer, or anyone. It’s ironic that our criminal in chief who proclaims to be all law and order supports neither law nor order. Henry Woodack

Obvious drone

Clifton Park, N.Y.: I propose that we refer to Vice President JD Vance as “Vice President Obviously,” because he obviously has no spine and obviously has no moral principles or he would be condemning the indefensible pardon of violent cop-beaters. This also goes for most Republican lawmakers. John Landers

Manchurian acolytes

Whitestone: “Donald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.” We can see the proof of the successful brainwashing of the Republican members of Congress and all the Trump acolytes. In reality, Trump is a bully, a coward and a malicious narcissist who will damage our nation every day he is our president. Dorothy Lyons

Prophetic voice

Manhattan: I am writing to congratulate the Right Rev. Mariann Budde for her perfect homily and her courage for standing up to Trump and his hateful, thoroughly un-Christian policies (it does take a woman to do that, doesn’t it?). There has never been a less Christian person than Donald J. Trump. There has never been a leader of this country who exudes so much hate. I thank her and wish her continued good fortune, and pray that her strength of character becomes an example to us all in the now-escalated fight for equality, compassion, humanity and love. Joie Anderson

Nefarious broadcasters

Howard Beach: Voicer Josh Greenberger wants to drive late-night talk show hosts out of business because of their jokes regarding Trump. Greenberger expresses his disdain that these hosts foment hostility and acrimony. Along with doing away with talk show hosts who ridicule Trump, maybe we should also get rid of TV hosts who have lied to their audiences. I’m quite sure Josh remembers that Fox News paid $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems because of the lies its hosts told their viewers. That is unless lying is OK with you, Josh? Barbara Berg

Territorial defense

Ariel, Pa.: Liberal, woke, socialist politicians and citizens are up in arms about Trump sending troops to the border. Like 70% of the country, he believes the presence of these undocumented immigrants is an invasion on our soil. It has been an invasion and a national emergency for the last four years, but was allowed and wanted by the previous administration. More than 11 million immigrants, no one knowing who they were or where they came from, are in our country. Eighty years ago, we invaded Europe with only 150,000 troops. Someone give these people some common sense. Joseph Beyhl

The anti-MLK

Bronx: How disgraceful that Mayor Adams went to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the Orange One’s ring. Then on Jan. 20, when there are so many events honoring Martin Luther King Jr. in NYC, Adams was at the inauguration of Trump, genuflecting to his king. Without the efforts of MLK, which cost King his life, Adams would not be mayor of NYC today. Trump, on the other hand, has shown his disdain for Black people time and time again. He hounded the first Black president with the vicious lie that Barack Obama was not born here. Obama became the first president to show his birth certificate to the public (I am still angry at him for doing that). Trump was totally disrespectful to Kamala Harris regarding her Indian and Jamaican heritage. He was sued by the federal government for discriminatory housing practices for refusing to rent to qualified Black people. Pauline Graham Binder

There’s a resemblance

Central Islip, L.I.: Is Gov. Hochul related to Biden? Must be. Both dimwits! Thomas Sarc

Merited discount

Jamaica: Since congestion pricing is now socking New Yorkers, I would like to suggest fairer fares for commuters on the LIRR. The disabled and senior communities should have a flat fare of $5 no matter the zone, considering that our taxes pay MTA salaries and considering how many able-bodied fare-evaders get away while it’s basically mandatory that the disabled pay their way. It is ludicrous! Alexander Garrett

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