One of the saddest and brutal films of all time is set to be aired on TV this weekend and be available for streaming.
Steven Spielberg’s Oscar-winning epic Schindler’s List tells the true story of Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), a German industrialist who saved the lives of 1,100 Polish Jews by employing them in his factories.
Oskar Schindler was an unlikely humanitarian who spent his entire fortune to help save Jews from Auschwitz during World War II.
The 3 hour and 15 minute black and white masterpiece is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of the 1990s, if not of all time.

The devastating recreation of the Nazi atrocities in the movie took such a toll on Spielberg during filming that Robin Williams would phone him to cheer him up with jokes.
Schindler’s List will be broadcast on BBC Two on Sunday (January 26) at 10.30pm following an episode of QI. The film will be available on BBC iPlayer soon after broadcast.
The 1993 film also starred Sir Ben Kingsley as Holocaust survivor Itzhak Stern, Ralph Fiennes as Nazi war criminal Amon Göth and Caroline Goodall as Emilie Schindler, the wife of Oskar Schindler.

Steven Spielberg’s long-time collaborator, John Williams, provided a moving and haunting original score for the World War II film.
The devastating film received 12 Oscar nominations with seven wins, including Best Picture and Best Director for Spielberg, as well as Best Original Score for John Williams.
Schindler’s List Over is ranked as the seventh best film of all time by IMDB users with a 9/10 rating, ahead of the likes of Pulp Fiction, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Star Wars flick The Empire Strikes Back.
The film also boasts a 98% Rotten Tomatoes score among critics, with many praising the film for its directing, writing and acting.

One review from The Times reads: “Spielberg employs all the emotive Hollywood tools at his disposal and the result is a remarkable film with wide appeal and real importance. Neeson is phenomenal, but matched by towering performances from Ben Kingsley and Ralph Fiennes.”