A Scots Second World War airman who recently celebrated his 100th birthday has said the secret to a long life is daily walks and helping others. Edinburgh-born John Fife – who also rates smartphones as one of the greatest inventions he has lived to see, despite not owning one – marked the occasion with two parties attended by his family and friends.

John was called up for National Service in 1943 and went on to train in the RAF as a wireless operator and air gunner, before moving to Coastal Command, in which he served until being demobilised in 1946. He now lives in a retirement home in Clevedon, North Somerset.

After reaching 100 on Boxing Day 2024, John revealed his top tip for living a long and healthy life is to have a fixed goal for every day – such as doing a jigsaw or going for a walk. And, while reflecting on his life, the veteran also thought about all the amazing inventions he has witnessed.

On which was the most important, he said: “Must be the medical advances we’ve seen. But recently the smartphone. I don’t have one, my brain doesn’t work quickly enough to cope!” After leaving the military, John married and started a career in the Civil Service at the Post Office Savings Bank.

John, his wife, and his two sons moved to Glasgow in 1966 where he worked on the setting up of a new headquarters for what is now known as National Savings & Investments (NS&I). This led to a very special meeting with royalty.

He added: “In 1970 I was presented to Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to the headquarters of the new Department.” In 1984 he finally retired from the Civil Service and moved to Clevedon to be nearer his sons.

In terms of advice to others, and top tips on how to live a long life, John said: “Make a decision to do things and carry them out and do what you can to help the less fortunate. Make an honest assessment of your skills and work in a job where you think you can succeed. And be content… it might not initially be too financially rewarding, but it will pay off in the end.”

John also revealed that he starts each day with a purpose. He said: “I start each day with a fixed goal, such as a long walk or going to church, and I love completing jigsaws.”

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