Three major construction projects worth around £35 million combined have been visited by North Ayrshire Council leader Marie Burns.
Councillor Burns recently spent time at the three sites to get a progress update and meet the council staff, partners and contractors involved.
Around £4.6 million was spent by the Council to create a new precast concrete seawall in front of the existing seawall structure in Largs.

The new seawall runs along a 325m stretch of the promenade between Aubery Crescent and the existing RNLI slipway.
It has also allowed for the promenade to be extended to the line of the new wall, while the steps to the beach have also been replaced, improving accessibility for visitors.
The old seawall – which was constructed in the 1970s – had deteriorated over time due to repeated exposure to seawater. Its replacement will provide the town with optimum protection and support against wave activity and coastal erosion.
The promenade was also resurfaced, and work to construct the new seawall was delivered by contractors RJ McLeod on behalf of the Council.
Two new recently-opened schools, which cost around £30 million in total, Montgomerie Park Primary School in Irvine and Moorpark Primary School in the Garnock Valley, are now busy education hubs where children and staff have settled in nicely.
Montgomerie Park is eco-friendly and is the first ‘Passivhaus’ school the Council has built.

Passivhaus is a term for buildings that are constructed to strict energy efficiency standards to help maintain a constant temperature and reduce the building’s carbon footprint.
This means the building has a high level of comfort, while using very little energy for heating and cooling. It uses significantly less energy than a typical school building, resulting in lower carbon emissions and lower energy bills.
The school opened in August 2024, was built by Robertson Construction North West and can accommodate up to 342 pupils in the primary and 47 in the early learning and childcare facility.
Headteacher Fiona Smyth, Depute Headteacher Gillian McCallum and some enthusiastic pupils recently welcomed Councillor Burns for a tour of the facilities.
Work started in March 2023 and there are 12 classrooms, early learning facilities, a gymnasium that incorporates flexible performance areas, dining facilities, creative outdoor learning spaces and a seven-a-side all-weather pitch.
At Moorpark Primary in Kilbirnie, Headteacher Elaine Mann and Depute Headteacher Andrew McDonnell welcomed Councillor Burns.
This school also opened earlier last year – again, in keeping with the Council’s sustainability priorities, the environment and selection of materials are at the heart of its design. It has 12 primary classes and a 24-place early years facility.

Key features include an effective natural ventilation strategy which provides natural, fresh air throughout the year, solar panels to provide free, renewable electricity for the school building and a seven-a-side all weather pitch.
All three projects are part of the Council’s Capital Investment Programme, which currently stands at more than £400 million over a ten-year rolling programme.
Councillor Burns said: “All three projects are fine examples of successful partnership working and of forward-thinking design.
“The seawall aligns with our priorities on climate change, protecting the environment and ensuring residents living in our coastal communities have protection from any future coastal erosion.
“It was a real pleasure to visit both schools to meet the staff, Council employees involved in the planning and construction process and – of course – the pupils.
“It was great to see that everyone has settled in and is enjoying learning and teaching in these state-of-the-art, multi-million pound facilities that will help educate our children for generations to come in a nurturing environment.”
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