Communities across Dumfries and Galloway have come together to help people left without power as a result of Storm Eowyn.
Friday’s storm, which was covered by a red Met Office weather warning, left thousands of homes across the region without power.
Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) have restored electricity to the majority of homes but hundreds of people are still affected.
And all over the region, communities have been working hard to help those who have been affected.
Dalry Community Resilience Team’s Michele Owen said: “We opened up the town hall for a warm space so people could have soup and power. Everyone rallied round each other and we put our resilience plan into action.
“It was half the village – the shop and town hall were open, so we were lucky there was still power in the village.
“About 30 people came and some took stuff away for 10 or 20 others.
“Lots of people in our village have alternatives to electricity. People with log burners cooked food, some people had generators and shared that with their neighbours.”
Hotels across the region including The Market Inn in Castle Douglas also opened up to provide shelter, warmth and a chance to freshen up for people without power.
Power to the majority of Dalry was restored on Saturday night – but other parts of the region haven’t been so lucky.
Parts of the west of the region are still without power, with a food truck in place at Whithorn and the Whithorn and District Community Resilience team still in action.

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP, Finlay Carson, said: “I understand that there are currently approximately 1,400 plus properties in Galloway and West Dumfries still without power.
“SPEN are hopeful that they will get all but about 300 reconnected today. The remainder by midnight tomorrow.”
Also affected have been Stewartry coastal communities.
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Colvend and Southwick Community Council vice chairman Simon Pain said: “Ourselves, Sandyhills, that whole area has been out since early Friday, although some have come back on.
“I believe Rockcliffe got most of its power back on Monday and a little bit of Colvend.
“One of the problems is one of the transformers has come off the pole and was smoking on Friday.
“I suspect it’s a complete replacement job – it’s not a two man job, it’ll involve cranes, it’s pretty major, which is one of the reasons I believe we’re behind everyone else.”
“We had great help from Portling Coastguard on Sunday – they got power back so opened up the station for a warm up.
“One of the concerns was elderly people who live alone and are very vulnerable and we can’t persuade them to come into warmer locations.
“From a community point of view everyone has rallied round, shipping flasks of hot water and hot water bottles back and forth.”