A nurse has issued an alert that certain symptoms of kidney cancer could appear as you sleep. Hazel Jackson, a lead healthcare professional at Kidney Cancer, warned that persistent night sweats, nighttime pain, and overwhelming fatigue are signs to watch out for.
She detailed that waking up soaked night after night might indicate the body is battling cancer. “Waking up drenched, with sweat soaking through your sleepwear and bedding, can be alarming,” she explained.
“These episodes may be the body’s response to fighting cancer. While night sweats can result from hormonal changes or a flu, if they persist and are accompanied by other symptoms, it’s time to speak with a doctor.”
Focusing on the location of the, Hazel pointed out that aches specific to the lower back or side might signal kidney cancer, saying: “Kidney cancer pain typically occurs in the lower back or side (flank) and is a constant ache. This pain can become more noticeable at night while lying down, as the body’s position may put added pressure on the area.”
She also advised that even after a sound sleep, persistent tiredness in the morning could be a red flag if coupled with other symptoms. Hazel continued: “Feeling exhausted despite a full night’s sleep? If rest doesn’t improve your energy levels, and this fatigue appears alongside other symptoms, it’s worth reaching out to your GP.”

Kidney cancer is the eighth most prevalent type of cancer in the UK, with Cancer Research UK reporting around 13,000 new cases annually.
The NHS highlights the stealthy nature of the disease, pointing out that “no obvious signs of kidney cancer” often exist and it’s normally discovered during tests for other conditions.
They advise vigilance for symptoms such as blood in urine, a lump or swelling in the back, under the ribs, or neck, persistent rib or waist pain, loss of appetite; and unexplained weight loss.
Kidney Cancer UK says fatigue, fever, and excessive sweating at night could also indicate the illness. According to Malcolm Packer, CEO of the charity, speaking to the Daily Express, enduring high blood pressure might signal danger too.
He said: “The kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure, and tumours can disrupt this function. Persistent hypertension, especially when coupled with other symptoms, should prompt individuals to seek medical attention and consider kidney cancer screening.”