During the winter months, dampness and mould growth in homes can be a real issue, potentially leading to significant health risks for residents. Respiratory problems can be aggravated by mould, and this is particularly true for individuals suffering from asthma or allergies.
However, specialists at Gardeningexpress.co.uk suggest that introducing plants into your home could be both an aesthetic enhancement and a weapon against mould. Chris Bonnett from Gardeningexpress.co.uk said: “Condensation is a problem a lot of households will face during the winter. Too much of it can cause some serious problems and lead to mould growth.
“The good news is there are ways to control this and prevent condensation from forming in the first place. If your windows are particularly steamy, it means you need to bring down the moisture levels in your home and plants can help do this.”
He also highlights the functional beauty of houseplants: “Certain plants are a great natural solution to help balance humidity in the home and they look great too.” Specifically, plants such as the peace lily engage in moisture absorption through their foliage, benefitting both the plant and your indoor environment, reports the Express.
English Ivy
Those considering welcoming plant life into their homes should consider the English Ivy; it tackles airborne mould and thrives in bright, filtered light, though it requires regular watering and caution around pets due to its toxic leaves.

Boston Fern
The Boston Fern flourishes in damp climates, naturally absorbing air moisture and balancing humidity levels in your home. This lush plant requires only indirect sunlight and regular watering to thrive.
Snake Plant
Also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, this robust and adaptable plant is another mould-loving variety. It grows best in bright light but will also grow just fine in low light.
This striking plant loves warm temperatures and requires occasional watering.
Palms are an excellent choice for controlling humidity and keeping mould at bay, absorbing moisture through their leaves. Varieties to look out for include Areca palms, bamboo palms, the lady palm, dwarf date palm and reed palm.
Peace Lily
The peace lily thrives in the shade and high humidity, making it the perfect choice for areas prone to mould. It absorbs moisture from the air through its leaves and doesn’t need direct sunlight to thrive.
This plant has beautiful white flowers but can be toxic to pets, so keep it out of their reach. You’ll know when it needs watering as this dramatic lily will droop – don’t worry though, a good watering and it’ll spring right back up.
Not only are they visually stunning, orchids also help reduce humidity in the home. They get all their nutrients and moisture from the air around them.
Spider plant
This is a popular indoor plant that excels at eliminating harmful pollutants in the home. It’s also easy to care for, requiring watering only once or twice a week.