Bobby Kennedy Jr. is a dangerous charlatan who has no qualifications to be secretary of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Senate must reject his nomination.

In two op-eds published today by the Daily News, medical doctors make convincing arguments against RFK Jr. and yesterday, his first cousin, Caroline Kennedy, who was Senate confirmed twice — as U.S. ambassador to Japan in 2013 and as ambassador to Australia in 2022 — urged senators to say no, detailing flaw after flaw in this “predator’s” character, including enticing others into his heroin addiction and his shameless desire for fame.

We have long opposed this guy, who when he was a New Yorker pushed for the state to ban fracking and to close the Indian Point nuclear power plant, two terrible and costly decisions. He also broke with his family and urged California to free his father’s assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, for the truly insane reason that Bobby believes that Sirhan was not the gunman.

When RFK Jr. ran his presidential campaign last year, the New York State courts correctly threw him off the ballot because he falsely claimed that he lived here, in Westchester. That was a lie, as he moved to Los Angeles a decade ago.

He apparently told the Senate the truth, as today’s Finance Committee session is a “hearing to consider the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., of California, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.”

Tomorrow, the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee has on its witness list: “Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Los Angeles, Calif.”

So then why did Kennedy submit an absentee ballot on Nov. 2 to the Westchester Board of Elections using his former Katonah address? Intentional voter fraud is a felony, as we recall. Add one more reason to say no to him.

Before RFK Jr. became a vaccine denier and a terrible health danger (see the 2019 Samoa measles outbreak that killed 83 people) he was an environmental lawyer, so maybe President Trump could have perhaps found a reason to give Kennedy a job at EPA, but Health and Human Services? No way.

As his cousin said, and his siblings have attested, RFK Jr. vaccinated his own children. Vaccines save lives. It was Trump’s COVID shot that saved countless people worldwide, like the smallpox vaccine did in earlier years, as did the polio vaccine. Sen. Mitch McConnell is a polio survivor. He must vote no.

There are also four physicians in the Senate, all Republicans, Roger Marshall from Kansas, Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, Rand Paul of Kentucky and John Barrasso from Wyoming, who long before they took their oath as senators, all took the Hippocratic Oath to “First, do no harm.” Bobby Kennedy and his crackpot ideas will do great harm to Americans. These doctors should think of their patients, past and future, and the patients of other competent medical professionals.

In his two days of hearings, Kennedy will offer excuses and half-truths, as well as full-on lies, anything to get approval. The more senators, and especially the 53 Republicans, who put the wellbeing of Americans before politics, the easier it will be for all of them to turn Kennedy away. They should not consider this to be a rejection of Trump, but a reaffirmation of their duty to their constituents.

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