A new study suggests that a tasty chocolate treat might help reduce “bad” cholesterol. While usually considered a decadent indulgence, chocolate may in fact boast several health benefits—especially when enjoyed with another favourite snack.
Researchers publishing in the Journal of the American Heart Association have found that pairing dark chocolate with almonds could significantly lower cholesterol in just four weeks. This combo has been shown to notably diminish low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, also known as “bad” cholesterol.
Although the body does require a measure of cholesterol for proper function, too much low-density lipoprotein cholesterol can lead to blocked arteries and an increased risk of heart-related issues. Scholars from The Pennsylvania State University and Tufts University embarked on research involving 48 overweight to obese subjects aged between 30 and 70.

They set out to further understand the impact of dark chocolate, cocoa, and almonds on coronary heart disease risk factors, a major cause of death globally. Each participant underwent distinct four-week-long dietary phases, as reported by Express.co.uk.
Initially, none of the studied items were consumed during the first month. Subsequently, participants added 42.5 grams of almonds into their daily diet.
During the third phase of their experimentation, subjects consumed 43 grams of dark chocolate and 18 grams of cocoa powder. The fourth period involved the participants enjoying all three treats: almonds, dark chocolate, and cocoa powder.
Results indicated that almonds alone could decrease bad cholesterol levels by as much as seven percent. This effect was mirrored when almonds were paired with dark chocolate.
Furthermore, the study authors postulated that adding this chocolatey treat to an average American diet, without surpassing daily energy necessities, “may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease” They deduced: “Our results demonstrate that consumption of almonds alone or combined with dark chocolate under controlled‐feeding conditions improves lipid profiles.”
However, it’s critical to discern that this finding doesn’t give a free pass to unrestrained consumption of almonds and dark chocolate due to their high calorie content. Lead researcher Penny Kris-Etherton offered clarity on the implications: “It’s important to put this into context. The message is not that people should go out and eat a lot of chocolate and almonds to lower their low-density lipoprotein.”

“People are allowed to have about 270 discretionary calories a day, and when foods like almonds, dark chocolate and cocoa are consumed together as a discretionary food, they confer health benefits unlike other discretionary foods such as frosted doughnuts.”
However, Kris-Etherton cautioned against solely consuming chocolate. According to the study, consuming dark chocolate and cocoa in isolation had no substantial impact on cardiovascular health. “Chocolate doesn’t increase cholesterol levels, but it doesn’t decrease cholesterol levels either,” she noted.
Despite this, cocoa beans are believed to possess their own health benefits due to containing plant chemicals called flavanols, a type of antioxidant. Prior research has associated flavanols with cardiovascular benefits, such as enhanced blood vessel elasticity and reduced blood pressure.
To maintain healthy cholesterol levels, the NHS suggests the following: reducing fatty food intake, consuming more fruits, vegetables, oily fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and whole grain products, engaging in regular exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption. If concerns about cholesterol levels arise, consulting with a GP is advised.