It’s not very often that a regular person would see into the inner lives of a group of Benedictine monks, but thanks to a new TikTok account, we have the chance, and they’re answering questions from their followers.

Ampleforth Abbey – a Benedictine monastery located in North Yorkshire – has taken to the platform, providing followers with a rare insight into monastic life. The Abbey recently encouraged its 8,6000 followers to pose questions to the monks, which were then addressed in enlightening video responses.

“Do you get paid?” queried one TikTok user, to which a monk replied: “The answer to that is no I don’t. Anything I get paid for the work I do is handed to the monastery”.

He further detailed that if he needs to pay for something essential, like a new pair of glasses, he must request funds and justify the need.

In another video, a monk addressed queries about their personal lives. “Some of the things I enjoyed doing were walking and dancing – I’ve been able to do a lot of walking since becoming a monk – in fact I organise a lot of walking retreats,” he disclosed. “It’s a great opportunity to bring that into my life here.” While dancing is not part of the monastery routine, the monk mentioned he still dances at family weddings.

A third video features a monk answering a question about how they choose their new name within the brotherhood. When they join the monastery, they are given the chance to provide three names for the abbot to choose from, signifying their new start. The name must be a saint’s name and it must be one that isn’t already used by another monk at the abbey.

“I love these videos, I used to drive past the abbey quite often for work,” responded one viewer, appreciative of the glimpse into the monks’ existence. “I enjoy finding out about your lives. Thank you for sharing”.

Yet not everyone seemed enamoured with the monastic lifestyle; one TikTok user commented: “It all sounds very restrictive. I don’t see how it could be an enjoyable life. The monks don’t look happy. Maybe I’m not enlightened enough to understand. Maybe I’m selfish but it seems controlling”.

One TikTok user commented: “I wish the world had your peace and contentment” and another praised: “A wonderful blessed life, thank you for sharing”.

But one user was concerned, and posted: “Very interesting. Surely if we are designed in God’s image and enjoy dancing, then God would approve of dancing? I don’t fully understand why dancing would not be a positive thing”.

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