BLACKSBURG, Va. (WDBJ) – Poultry experts say the avian flu in 2025 is like nothing they’ve seen before.

“This virus is sticking with our migratory birds and is actually coming back every spring, where before we might have an outbreak and we would deal with it,” said Dr. Mike Persia.

Dr. Persia, a professor and Extension Specialist in Virginia Tech’s School of Animal Sciences, said that means wild birds migrating toward our hometowns have potential to fly above local farms, shedding the virus in the process.

“We saw the activation of the flyway above the East Coast, the Atlantic Flyway, so now we are just in a high risk,” he said.

With Virginia’s first outbreak in Accomack County just a few hours away, and a few other wild birds testing positive, Dr. Persia said the time to start preparing is now.

Dr. Persia has outlined several ways local and commercial farmers can keep their flocks safe as birds continue migrating into the springtime.

  • Try to limit how much time birds spend outside. Spending too much time outside means birds could potentially get in areas where wild birds have been and pick up the virus, or even other outdoor rodents that could be carrying it. Birds should be fed and watered indoors at all times.
  • Make sure the areas where birds are staying are cleaned and sanitized often.
  • When taking care of birds, try to wear exterior clothing and accessories that limit your own exposure to the virus. This includes overalls, hair nets and even shoe coverings.
  • Keep new birds quarantined and limit the amount of time you are spending around other birds/flocks.

You can read the full article by Dr. Persia and a colleague here.

“The alternative is if you have a positive, you’re going to lose your entire flock,” said Dr. Persia.

Persia said the virus has a 60-80% mortality rate in birds and it just takes a few extra steps to make sure the whole flock stays safe.

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