BECKLEY, W.Va. – A local business owner has taken to social media to express concerns about a franchise moving in close by.

Kevin Traube is the owner of The Chocolate Moose, a small chain of coffee shops in the Beckley area. One of those locations is on Harper Road, and also features mini golf and rock climbing. Traube said that just a few doors down, a Starbucks is planning to move in.

While Traube expressed concern over a large competing business moving in so closely, he said the more important question is what this addition will do to the rest of the community.

“Harper Road is a main artery through Beckley, and already at several parts through the day, you can’t get in the westbound lane. I’m a half mile from the interstate, and past my location, the traffic will back up,” explained Traube. “So, emergency vehicles, firetrucks, or EMS or police can’t get through that lane. Luckily there’s an emptier lane going east in the middle turning lane, so do we really want to put another business in the middle of that?”

Traube added that while he believes Beckley is doing its due diligence, the concern around traffic still remains.

“Is this the proper use of this property? Is this the best thing for the people who live here? Already, again at certain times of the day, we can’t get on our main road and go in one direction, so now will we be completely blocked from going in both directions at certain times of day?” continued Traube.

The city of Beckley has a planning commission meeting scheduled for February 4th with the goal of discussing the site plan for Starbucks.

Although the purpose of the meeting is not to approve or deny Starbucks’ right to move in, Traube said that he plans to be there to share his thoughts and believes other community members will as well.

“If Starbucks does come, we will not be discouraged, we will not throw in the towel, we will not stop serving Beckley, and we will not stop caring about this community. We’ll just seek to find what is the next and new way that we do the best we can for the people that we care about in this town,” said Traube.

To keep up to date with the city of Beckley, you can find them on their website or Facebook page.

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