Current events, not ignorance, prompt outrage

Lackawaxen, Pa.: The alarm raised by guest columnist Mark Treyger requiring that “NYC students should know Jewish history” (op-ed, Jan. 27) seems unnecessary. Of course, useful citizens should know as much history of all things as they can acquire. But current campus tensions related to Palestine are contextual.

When the IDF and illegal settlers stop murdering Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere, Israel’s favored status will be restored. Perhaps not Zionism, because that is a provocative concept. And maybe antisemitism will not lessen, because there are groups all over that are not liked. Treyger’s claim that half the students chanting “from the river to the sea” possess flawed geographical knowledge has little relevance to history because that record supports the promise that Palestine would be free for Arab rule.

The Holocaust is not a unique event. It is one of the many terrors that plague mankind’s past. And that is how it should be taught, not as a Jewish event. Jewish American history is fraught with the same predicament as the Irish, Italian, et al, with both gangsters and hard-working immigrants. And why do we continue to label as “Russian Mafia” groups that in the main are comprised of Soviet Jews, some living well in parts of the councilmanic district formerly represented by Treyger?

Jews have been the most consistently righteous group in this country, often paying a price for that righteousness. Contrary to Treyger’s claim, they — at least those of my generation — need not be pressured to denounce some of the Zionist policies. John A. MacKinnon

Atrocity exchange

Bronx: If Hamas killed all remaining hostages, I would not be surprised. Such is the nature of war. Israeli forces killed women and children — did the IDF care? Hamas’ reaction may be the same. Robert Adams


Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: Who does Mayor Adams think he’s kidding? He knows he’s never going to get reelected, so he’s fastened himself to President Trump’s hindquarters in hopes of a pardon. In a direct insult, he abandoned NYC’s Martin Luther King Day ceremonies to fly to Trump’s inauguration and only got a seat in the spillover room. Now he’s backtracking on the sanctuary city program. Bob Menendez’s 11-year sentence must really be panicking him. He’ll be Trump’s valet by March. Bob English


Manhattan: The NYC migrant raids started Monday night. No wonder the mayor feels sick. He opted out of MLK Day commitments to attend Trump’s crowning. No wonder he feels sick. And if he shared migrant location data, no wonder he feels sick. Word has it that new, serious federal charges against him are imminent. No wonder he feels sick. During his tenure, he has partied, lined many pockets, including his own, and for good reason has an approval rating of less than 20%. I hope he’s not gravely ill, but he has been sickening to most of us. Frankie Turchiano

Hot air

Hamilton Square, N.J.: No promises on how Trump plans to lower prices. He doesn’t want to “get into the bathroom issue” after bashing transgenders. He brags about COVID vaccines (rightfully) but plans to have chief vaccine denier RFK Jr. in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services. He has no specifics on solutions for the Middle East or Russia/Ukraine wars. The Jan. 6 rioters aren’t getting a get-out-of-jail-free pass, he reviewed it case by case. We all have to live with the voters’ choice. How many are already having buyer’s remorse? Eileen Johnson

All applicable

Bronx: I’m glad Bramhall nailed it with Friday’s cartoon — “Divisiveness Egotism Idiocy.” He accurately described the policies of the Demented-cratic Party. So thankful, along with 77 million other Americans who elected President Trump. Now the real Americans can clean up the mess the left has made of America. Get out of the way! Ross de Marco

Strategic othering

Holbrook, L.I.: Trump’s America is strictly for white men. Women and minorities are no longer welcome. They are to be removed from our history and daily lives. Trump’s manic adherence to attacking DEI is all the proof necessary. He had the Air Force Academy remove the history of the Tuskegee Airmen and the Women Airforce Service Pilots from the curriculum until the outrage became too great. His despicable comments about the accident at Reagan National Airport, blaming it on DEI, is a clear signal to women and minorities that they are not qualified and these jobs can only be done by white men — a position echoed by his pal Charlie Kirk, who said last year, “If I see a Black pilot, I ask myself, ‘Is he qualified?’ ” Americans need to wake up to what’s going on or in short order they’ll wake up and ask: What the hell happened to America? Michael L. Wilson

Stay present

Swarthmore, Pa.: Many years ago, my friend Dr. Rudy Tanzi, an eminent Harvard neuroscientist and a very wise person, offered me words in which he said he often found comfort and solace. He said that when we are facing the future with anticipatory dread and concern, as millions are right now regarding the political environment over the next four years, the following words might be highly useful and centering: We should always strive to keep in mind that we’re OK right now, and there is only the now. Instead of focusing on a vague, uncertain, albeit potentially troubling future, focus on how you’re feeling in the moment — that is right now. I strongly recommend to all those imbued with a sense of anticipatory dread, as many are, to keep these words in mind and adopt them as your North Star, as I have. Ken Derow

The sky is falling?

Cortlandt Manor, N.Y.: Why would non-governmental organizations, also known as NGOs, claim they will be forced out of business if the Trump administration cuts their government-sponsored (i.e. taxpayer) funding? Michael P. Devine

We shall see

Brooklyn: Personally, I’m relieved that Kash Patel promises not to go after Trump’s enemies. After all, Patel, Trump and the rest of their MAGA coterie all have a sterling record of truth-telling. Or, as Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels purportedly said, if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth. Herman Kolender

Muzzle Musk

Ridgewood, N.J.: It is time for Trump to rein in Elon Musk and stop his global provocations. His disruptions with U.S. allies serve no useful purpose except to bring attention to himself. Time for Trump to tell Musk that he sets policy, not Musk. Ed Houlihan

Plagued by God

Fort Lauderdale, Fla.: There is a Bible passage that explains all this woke nonsense: “And because they received not the love of the truth so as to be saved, God sends upon them strong delusion that they might believe the lie” (2 Thes. 2:11). Sex changes, he/she pronouns, coed bathrooms, etc. — these strong delusions are sent by God on those who reject the love of the truth so as to be saved from their sins. In so many words, it is giving God your middle finger. Now the wokes want personhood for nature, rivers, valleys, etc. These things were promoted recently by the Dupes of Davos. Oh how these folks need the love of the truth so as to be saved from all this nonsense. Woke out, wokes, and come to Jesus. Love the truth of His free salvation. Repent while you still can. Jim Black

Equal opportunity

Bloomington, Ind.: Nature is a lottery. We are born into circumstances that offer us advantages and disadvantages compared to other people in the world. One’s geographic location, wealth, appearance, intellect, gender and many other factors significantly influence their life experience. We know people who seem to have it all. We sometimes envy or resent them and feel that we’re more deserving. We observe those less fortunate and feel pity or even guilt because we have it much better. A moral society should create an environment of equal opportunity and rights for all citizens. Everyone should be given a fighting chance at the brass ring, regardless of birth circumstances. We are all dealt a hand when we enter the world. No matter how we legislate, it will never bring complete fairness. Society can’t ensure equality of outcome. For most of us, how we play the cards we’re dealt will make all the difference. Scott Thompson

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