Operation Branchform was launched by Police Scotland in 2021 after complaints were made about the SNP’s handling of around £600,000 in independence referendum donations.
The police probe is ongoing and senior Nationalists want to see an end to a case they believe has damaged their party. Here are the key issues in relation to the investigation.
What is Branchform looking at?

The SNP raised around £600,000 from pro-independence activists from 2017 onwards, but activists were concerned about the cash not featuring in party accounts. Complaints were made to police and the investigation is now in its fifth year.
What are the major developments?
The donations were made at a time when Nicola Sturgeon was SNP leader and her husband Peter Murrell was party chief executive. The married couple, who have now separated, were arrested and released without charge in 2023 as part of the probe. Ex-SNP Treasurer Colin Beattie was also arrested and released without charge in the same year.
Murrell, who was CEO for over twenty years before quitting the post in 2023, was later charged in connection with embezzlement.
As reported by the Record, weeks after Murrell was charged last year a court order prevented him from selling any property he owns. The move was made by the Crown Office.
What is the issue with the campervan?

A luxury campervan was reportedly seized by cops investigating the SNP’s finances. It was claimed a Niesmann + Bischoff motorhome was taken from a house in Fife at the same time police searched the home of Sturgeon Murrell. The value of the campervan is estimated to be around £110,000.
Where is the investigation now?
Police Scotland has spent around £2m on Branchform and completed its inquiries in August last year. A report was handed to the Crown Office and the force is awaiting further instruction. The latest figures show eleven officers are working on the probe.
What has Nicola Sturgeon said about Branchform?

The former First Minister has insisted she has done nothing wrong. She also remains an MSP in Glasgow and continues to share a home with Murrell, despite their recent separation.
She said in December : “It’s not something I have any control over and I don’t think it would be surprising to anybody to hear me say of course I wish it wasn’t there – but it is what it is and it will take its own course.
“In the meantime I’m getting on with my life, I’m enjoying getting on with my life and there’s no point in me talking about things I can’t comment on anyway.”
What are the latest developments?

Scotland’s top judge Lord Carloway has suggested there has been a “hold up” to Operation Branchform.
Carloway, who is stepping down from his role as Scotland’s Lord President, was asked about the probe recently in interviews with broadcasters.
He said: “I know absolutely nothing about Operation Branchform. I don’t know where the hold-up is, whether it’s with the police or the Crown Office. It looks as though there is a hold-up, yes.”
Separately, in an interview with the Record, Alba MSPs expressed a hope the probe will be resolved soon.: “I am hopeful that there will be some sort of resolution, one way or another, shortly.
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