Dog training is a common struggle for owners, especially if it’s your first pet. There are so many things you want to teach your furry friend but it’s difficult when you are grappling with the other challenges of having an animal in the house.
Positively influencing your dog’s behaviour in a way they can understand is a skill – but it is a skill that can be learned quickly and easily. With a bit of help and guidance, you and your dog can have a flourishing relationship in no time.
The American Kennel Club has, thankfully, come to the rescue with 10 tips to help you become a more successful and effective dog trainer. So, grab your pooch and get to work. They will be behaving impeccably in no time.
Top tips for dog training
1. Don’t expect your dog to work for free
Owners may expect their dogs to listen and behave automatically, but you have to give your dog an incentive to stay in line, and positive reinforcement, whether that’s praise, a training treat, or a game of tug-of-war.
Without positive reinforcement, your dog will look for their own rewards, which usually involves behaviour you don’t want. Instead, “pay” your dog for making good choices, rewarding them when they do what you ask.
As a result, when you ask them to perform the same behaviour in the future, they’ll want to make those same choices and do what you ask.

2. Figure out what your dog finds rewarding
Think about what your dog enjoys and build a hierarchy of their favourite things so they will repeat behaviours that earn them this reward. For easier tasks, you can have dry food or carrot sticks, quite literally, up your sleeve.
Top-tier rewards may include pieces of chicken or playing fetch when they’re working in distracting environments or learning challenging behaviours.
3. Teach them that good behaviours bring rewards
If you teach your dog that they’ll get what they want – whether it’s food, cuddles, or a walk – by giving you what you want, it’s a win-win scenario. So don’t give away all the rewards for free.
Instead, ask your dog to perform a behaviour before you reward them. For example, ask them to “sit” before taking them out a walk, or “down” before giving them their breakfast.
Your dog will quickly learn they gain access to the good stuff simply by listening to your requests.
4. Be consistent in your reactions to your dog’s behaviour
If your reactions change day to day, you will only confuse your dog and delay your training. That goes for good behaviours as well as bad.
For example, if you don’t want your dog jumping on you when you’re in your work clothes, don’t allow it when you’re in your comfy clothes, either. Your dog can’t differentiate between the two scenarios.

5. Understand that your dog is learning a new language
To understand us and our training requests, dogs need to learn a whole new language. Dogs can read body language and gestures, but be patient and consistently teach them what your words and hand signals mean.
For example, if you shout at your dog not to bark at the postman, they won’t understand the meaning of your words. Instead, teach a quiet cue, then reward your dog for obeying when the postman leaves unscathed.
6. Deliver cues with consistent words, tone, and body language
Give each behaviour a single, unique cue. If “down” means “lie down,” it can’t also mean “get down from the couch.” It’s important to deliver cues in the same calm but confident tone.
Make sure every person who works with your dog agrees on the cues you will use for each behavior. That goes for hand signals and other body language too.
A raised, open hand often means stay, but if you want to use a fist or other gesture, make sure everybody uses it consistently. This will prevent confusion and help your dog learn faster.

7. Proof your dog’s behaviour
Proofing means ensuring your dog understands the behaviour and its cue, no matter the environment or what distractions might be around.
If you teach dogs to sit while you’re in the kitchen, they will think “sit” only applies in that room. You need to build out the behaviour in new locations until your dog will perform the behaviour, no matter what.
8. Control your emotions
Your emotions can have a big impact on your dog. If you’re anxious, your dog will be anxious. If you get overly excited, your dog might become hyper. Take note of how your mood impacts your dog and adjust accordingly.
This is important if your dog is reactive. If you get worked up when your dog barks or growls at other dogs or people, it will only feed your dog’s reaction. If you are calm, your dog will trust that you have things under control.
9. Look at training from your dog’s perspective
Consider your behaviour from your dog’s point of view. Are your cues confusing them? For example, you may be expecting them to stay in a down position while you’re actually luring your dog up with your body language.
Do you get tense when other dogs approach? That might be why your dog is snarling when you’re out on walks. A professional dog trainer can also help by pointing out any miscommunication between you and your pooch.
10. Be an ‘action movie’ for your dog
Be as interesting as you can to hold your dog’s concentration. The Kennel Club says to “be like an action movie” – fast-paced, engaging, and easy to follow. When you’re with your dog, really be present with them.
Don’t chat with neighbours or scroll on your phone. Make your pet your priority, train at a steady pace, and be clear with your cues. When you pair all that with rewards, your dog will want to follow your every move.
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