AUSTIN, Texas — It’s the first week in February. How’s that New Years resolution going?
If you made a promise to yourself to lose some weight and get ripped, there’s a new workout that may help you achieve your fitness goals in a fraction of the time. It has become a Hollywood favorite and its made its way to Austin.
Some may call it cheating. Hannah Laster calls it challenging. She wasn’t a believer at first.
“I was really hesitant and thought it wouldn’t work. But the first time I did it, I was so sore,” Laster said.
Now she’s a certified trainer with Body By EMS who swears by Electronic Muscle Stimulation (EMS). All it takes is 20 minutes.
Before the workout, you’re fitted with a damp, skin-tight suit full of electrodes.
“You’re connected to a full body suit that has eight electrode pairs. There’s legs, arms, glutes, chest, abs, full back, upper back lats and lower,” Laster said.
The electrodes zap your muscles, forcing them to contract.
“They make them contract at a much higher rate. So you can have up to 85 muscle contractions per second,” Laster said.
The trainer guides you along as you complete basic bodyweight exercises. Considering the movements are minimal, many clients include those with injuries who can’t work out traditionally or lift heavy weights.
“I have clients with a full leg cast on, so can sit in a chair and do exercise, clients to have long athletic careers, torn rotator cuffs, knees are destroyed and they’re still able to get a good workout and release some endorphins with this one,” Laster said.
Originating in Europe as a tool for physical therapy, EMS training has become a fitness favorite among high-profile celebrities. Actor Tom Holland used it to get him in top, Spider-Man shape.
According to Laster, one 20 minute session can burn 500 calories and equates to 2.5 hours of strength training.
The machine is U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved and it’s a concierge service, so the certified trainer comes to you. Each session is $200 but if you workout with friends or family members, the price per person goes down.