Ayrshire services providing support to families are set to receive a funding boost from the Scottish Government.
First Minister John Swinney announced an extra £6million in the Scottish Budget that will be made available to Children’s Services Planning Partnership’s (CSPP) next year.
The announcement comes five years after the Scottish Government’s ‘The Promise’ to care-experienced young people.
‘The Promise’ committed the government to creating a Scotland where all care-experienced young people will grow up loved, safe and respected.
CSPP is a partnership between organisations that work together to improve outcomes for children and young people.
Elena Whitham, MSP for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley, welcomed the funding which she said could “translate into real tangible improvement” for young people.
Commenting, Ms Whitham said: “I welcome this additional funding for children across Scotland, as part of a £6million increase.
“The Promise is a meaningful start in improving the lives of care experienced young people in Ayrshire, and the SNP’s commitment to the Promise remains as strong today as it was in 2020.
“I look forward to seeing the full detail of how this funding will translate into real tangible improvement on the ground for our young people.”
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