You could find your true love this year by volunteering with LEAP as a befriender, friendship or dementia group volunteer, a driver or a handyperson.

The Cambuslang-based charity delivers vital services to older people across South Lanarkshire with the help of hundreds of volunteers.

But it still has waiting lists for befriending and a never-ending stream of handyperson jobs, so needs volunteers to help combat the isolation and loneliness of as many older people as possible.

What might surprise people is the amount volunteers get out of giving their valuable time to help others.

Heather Jackson, a volunteer development officer with LEAP said: “The one thing all our volunteers say is that they probably get more out volunteering than the person they are befriending or doing small jobs for.

“They often go on to develop long-term friendships with the people they support and it is really satisfying to see that relationship grow.”

Volunteer befriender Richard Hone said: “I get much more out of befriending Martin than I think he does.

“When I first met Martin I didn’t realise someone who had regular support and family calling in could still be lonely, but I quickly realised Martin had no-one he could just talk to.

“We very quickly hit it off and now we spend lots of time just chatting and telling jokes or going out to a café for a cuppa and cake.

“I’ve got so much out of my friendship with Martin that I don’t know now what I would do without it.

“Volunteering has changed my life for the better and I would thoroughly recommend it to everyone.”

If you want to find out more about volunteering with LEAP, call 0141 641 5169 or visit to find out more.

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