With winter putting extra pressure on healthcare services, NHS Lanarkshire is reminding residents that its Primary Care Out of Hours Service is here to support urgent medical needs when GP practices are closed.
This vital service ensures you get the care you need without unnecessary delays.
NHS Lanarkshire’s urgent Out of Hours Service operates on an appointment-only basis, accessible by calling NHS 24 on 111.
The service is specifically for urgent medical issues that cannot wait until your GP practice reopens.
The health board’s local Out of Hours team works closely with call handlers at NHS 24 to provide seamless support during out-of-hours periods.
Dr Claire McGonagle, deputy clinical director for the Primary Care Out of Hours Service, said: “Our service is here to help with urgent health concerns that require attention when your GP practice is closed.
“When you call NHS 24 a call handler will ask you several questions about your condition via a computer system and one of their nursing staff may ask you a few questions too.
“If they feel you may need further medical input or even seen, they will pass your case to us.
“Once we receive the referral from NHS24, we may call and offer you a direct urgent appointment or you may be contacted by one of our clinicians first, to gain more information on how best we can assist with your urgent problem.
“We do not receive all the information that NHS24 gathers about you during your call with them, so please have patience with us if we repeat any questions.
“This system ensures all patients receive timely and appropriate care, whether over the phone, video call or through an in-person appointment.”
The multidisciplinary team can resolve many issues over the phone, sparing patients unnecessary trips when they’re unwell.
Pamela Buddy, service manager for the service, said: “The service is best suited for urgent health concerns that have worsened since your GP practice closed and cannot wait until it reopens.
“We can only deal with urgent matters in our service or refer you as an emergency to hospital.
“We do not send you for x-rays, take blood samples, complete out-patient referrals or provide sick notes as this is care that would be provided by your GP when it opens.
“By knowing what to expect from our service, patients can avoid frustration and ensure that our team can focus on providing urgent care to those who need it most.”
To access thee urgent service, call NHS 24 on 111 and they will assess your needs before referring you to the Out of Hours team, if necessary.
Dr McGonagle added: “It is important to use the right healthcare services for your needs, to ensure you receive the best care from the most appropriate place.
“For healthcare concerns that are not urgent, you can visit the NHS Inform website or attend your local pharmacy for expert health advice and support.”
For more information on the healthcare services available to you this winter, visit here.
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