Angry Gerwyn Price brilliantly shut up a whistling idiot at the Hydro with a perfect response.

The Iceman produced his retort after a punter tried to put him off during his Premier League clash with Luke Humphries. Price was lining up to win a key leg when a whistle screeched from the packed venue in his direction. The Welshman was unmoved as he hit the shot, but then instantly turned around after driving home the dart, jammed two fingers straight into the corners of his mouth and produced a loud on-stage wolf-whistle straight back in response.

Price’s comeback was the perfect way to silence the offender an another shot in the arm in the battle to remove it from the game.
Referees have taken a strong stance in recet weeks over whistling with Russ Bray, Huw Ware and Kirk Bevins all dishing reprimands over the mic to culprits. However, Price came up with the ideal way to halt it as he slammed home the shot to belt-up the mouth.

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