An investigation into the death of a schoolgirl at a swimming pool remains ongoing one year on from the tragic incident.

Jessica Rennie, 10, passed away after getting into difficulty in the water at the Get Active @ Northfield facility in Aberdeen on February 12, 2024 – just days before her 11th birthday. Ambulance crews raced to the scene and Jessica was rushed to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for treatment where she tragically died the following day.

The heartbreaking incident prompted tributes from the local community including from teachers and parents at Kittybrewster Primary, where she was a pupil. As reported by Aberdeen Live, the Crown Crown Office and Prosecution Service (COPFS) has confirmed investigations remain ongoing a year after the 10-year-old’s passing.

Jessica Rennie died following the tragic incident at the Aberdeen swimming pool.
Jessica Rennie died following the tragic incident at the Aberdeen swimming pool. (Image: X/@NatalieAHood)

It is also continuing to engage with Aberdeen City Council who are leading the ongoing investigation to review progress of the probe into the tragedy. An independent expert into swimming pool safety has also been engaged throughout the investigation to advise on specific lines of enquiry.

A spokesperson for the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service said: “The Procurator Fiscal has received a report in connection with the death of a child in Aberdeen on February 13, 2024. The investigation into the death is ongoing and the family will continue to be kept updated in relation to any significant developments.”

A spokesperson for Sport Aberdeen, who operate the Get Active @ Northfield facility added: “The thoughts of everyone here are with Jessica’s family as they mark the first anniversary of her tragic death. Investigations into this terrible accident are still being conducted by the authorities and we continue to give them our fullest co-operation.”

Aberdeen City Council, who act as the local authority health and safety regulator for the leisure facility, declined to comment amid the ongoing investigation.

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