This Valentine’s Day, couples across the world will be sharing their love with one another. From flowers to fancy dates and everything in between, many people will be going the extra mile to show their affection.
But it’s not your sweetheart who has something special to say, your four-legged friend has certain unique ways of expressing their love for you.
From snuggling up to your gym kit to a cheeky nose-boop, your dog’s quirky behaviour might seem puzzling, but these actions are actually powerful signs of affection. With Valentine’s Day now here, and the romantic celebrations expected to last throughout the weekend, pet experts are shedding light on the unexpected ways our furry pals show their devotion.
With over a third of UK households now owning a dog, these unique expressions of puppy love are becoming more apparent. According to TrustedHousesitters, the UK’s leading pet-sitting platform, our canine companions often demonstrate their feelings in ways we might not immediately recognise.
Angela Laws, the platform’s award-winning Community Manager, explains: “What we may consider odd behaviour is actually our dogs’ way of saying ‘I love you’.”
So, next time your dog curls up with your shoes or gives you a little nudge with their nose, remember, they’re telling you just how much they care. Here are some of the surprising signs your dog is smitten:
1. They sniff your dirty laundry
Don’t be put off if your dog snuggles up to your gym kit. With a sense of smell up to 10,000 times stronger than ours, seeking out your scent is actually a heartwarming sign of deep affection. While this behaviour may feel a little awkward for some owners, it’s one of the clearest indicators that your dog is truly bonded to you.

2. They give you intense eye contact
Although dogs typically avoid prolonged eye contact, as it can signal aggression in the wild, a loving gaze from your pet is a clear sign of trust. When your dog locks eyes with you, they’re essentially saying, ‘I love you.’
In fact, scientists have discovered that this mutual gaze triggers the release of oxytocin – the same bonding hormone that strengthens the bond between mothers and their babies.
3. They ‘happy sigh’
That heartwarming sigh your dog lets out when they curl up next to you is more than just contentment, it’s a sign of love. When your pooch settles in and exhales gently, they’re expressing that you’re their favourite human. This behaviour is especially meaningful as it’s only reserved for those moments when they feel completely safe and at ease.
4. They boop you with their nose
That soft nudge from your dog isn’t just a plea for attention – it’s a heartfelt nose-boop, one of their most affectionate gestures. Often accompanied by a wagging tail or adoring eyes, this little nudge is their way of giving you a kiss. In fact, some dogs reserve their boops for their favourite human, making it an even more special sign of their love.

5. They try to herd you
If your Corgi or Collie is constantly herding you around the house, don’t be frustrated – they’re simply showing how much they care. This protective behaviour is their way of saying you’re part of their pack, and they want to keep you safe. It’s their unique way of expressing that you’re family, and they’re always looking out for you.
6. They lean their whole weight on you
When your dog leans their full body weight against you, it’s not just a sign of laziness – they’re offering you their version of a hug. If their eyes are relaxed and their demeanour calm, it’s a powerful sign of trust. By leaning on you, they’re relying on you for support, showing that they feel completely safe and secure in your presence.
Angela Laws said: “While we’re all spending money on cards and chocolates this Valentine’s Day, our dogs are showing their love in far more genuine ways. These behaviours might seem strange to us, but they’re actually beautiful expressions of the unconditional love our pets have for us.
“Understanding these signs helps strengthen that precious bond between owners and their four-legged valentines. At a time when the cost of living means many are cutting back on Valentine’s gifts, it’s heartwarming to know our pets are giving us love for free.”