Bargarran Primary in Erskine has received a gold star for the school in Barrhill Road was graded as ‘very good’ across three quality indicators and ‘excellent’ across another in an inspection report.
The gradings come from Education Scotland who visited the school in November with the findings now made public.
Among the key messages, the education scrutiny body said the “highly effective” and “respected” head teacher was providing “very strong strategic leadership and direction” to the work of the school.
And the head teacher was being supported “very well” by the depute head teachers. Together, said the report, their strong approaches to improving the school are “helping raise attainment for all children”.
The plus points continued; children were “highly confident, happy, enthusiastic, respectful and articulate”. Education Scotland also noted the pupils to be “proud ambassadors” of their school.
The report continues: “Staff and children’s extensive work on children’s rights over several years is helping all children to understand well their place in society. This outstanding work is helping all children to achieve well in school.”
In the quality indicators relating to learning, teaching and assessment, raising attainment and achievement, along with ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion: these were all graded as ‘very good.’
And for the quality indicator relating to leadership of change, this was graded as ‘excellent’. The report goes on: “Through meaningful shared leadership at all levels, children and staff work collaboratively to ensure their vision and values are lived.
“This underpins all aspects of children’s learning. This is leading to a school environment where children experience creativity, innovation and enquiry and results in children who are successful learners. Senior leaders’ rigorous approaches to tracking and monitoring are leading to high levels of attainment and achievement over time.”
The report continues: “Teachers have developed highly-effective approaches in the use of digital technology to support and enhance children’s learning. Across the school, children are skilled in using digital technology creatively to support their learning.”
One area of improvement related to staff supporting all children across the school to set targets for learning “beyond literacy and numeracy”.
The report added: “This will support children to understand fully their progress and next steps in learning across the curriculum.”
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