Sorting the garden out for spring is on many people’s ‘to do’ list as the promise of better weather is on the horizon.

There will be a range of jobs to tackle to get your outdoor space looking spruced up after a long winter.

And for homeowners who have a bird bath in their garden, a clever one pence trick will help eradicate unsightly algae that might well have grown over the winter months.

Now indoor-outdoor living experts at Pergolux UK have revealed the household essentials that can be used to clean the garden which will save you cash.

And they recommend putting a copper penny into their bird baths to help stop mould and algae from thriving.

Algae can occur from debris falling into the water which is why it’s important to refill the bath every couple of days, reports the Express.

But, if you notice persistent algae coming back, give your bird bath a thorough cleaning and place a copper coin in the fresh water. This can help slow down the growth of algae.

Sam Stevens, garden design expert at Pergolux UK, said: “Spring is on its way and a lot of people will be looking at their gardens and getting them ready for brighter and longer days ahead.

“Cleaning the garden doesn’t have to be an expensive job at all. We all love a cheap and cheerful hack and the good news is that there are plenty of items you’ll already have in your home that can be used in the garden.

“Whether you need to buff away stains, achieve a streak-free finish on glass or get rid of rust, there will be something in your house for everything.”

Pergolux UK also recommend removing plant pot scuffs and marks by buffing them out with a rubber. If the mark isn’t too stubborn it should come away.

The company also said ketchup can remove tarnish and oxidation from brass or copper garden decor, such as furniture, gates and watering cans.

Apply a thin layer of ketchup to the affected area and let it sit for around 15 minutes before gently scrubbing it away and rinsing it with water.

And a can of fizzy drink can be used to help break down rust on items, making it easier to remove. This hack can be used on everything from tools and furniture to hinges and metal parts of your barbecue.

Pour some of the fizzy drink onto a cloth and wrap it over the rusty area for a few hours or overnight for strong rust. Small tools can be soaked overnight.

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