Officials said the change will only impact one campus as it works toward a future district-wide policy.

LOCKHART, Texas — Changes to Lockhart ISD’s backpack policy are coming after a student was arrested on one of its campuses.

The district said one of its students reported to a teacher that they saw a gun in another student’s backpack on Friday at Lockhart Junior High School.

While no threats were made against a student or the school, authorities found the student during dismissal and immediately placed them in custody. Now students at Lockhart Junior High School will be required to use a clear backpack or no backpack at all.

For now, the change will only affect students at the junior high school, beginning on March 3. However, the district said it will implement a future, district-wide policy for students to use clear backpacks.

“This decision was made with careful consideration, and we appreciate the support of our students, staff, and families as we implement this change,” the district said in part.

What if clear backpacks are not available?

According to the district, students should plan to carry their materials if they cannot comply with the clear backpack policy. The district also invited parents to fill out a form for any families that need help obtaining a backpack.

Officials also said the campus will work on a system for students who need to bring extra equipment and supplies for extracurricular activities.

In the meantime, parents who have questions or concerns are invited to partake in a forum on Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 6-7 p.m. to discuss the changes and hear community feedback.

Meanwhile, the district said it will seek “maximum disciplinary and legal consequences” allowed by the law and school policy against the student who brought the gun onto its campus.

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